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How out of control is the Obama administration you ask?





here is a small example....

Forbes: Judge Throws Out Criminal Case Against Oil Companies For Killing Birds At Drilling Sites

Christopher Helman



Last summer the U.S. Department of Justice, acting on allegations made by agents of the U.S Fish & Wildlife Service, brought criminal indictments against three oil companies operating in the Bakken shale oil field of North Dakota. Brigham Oil & Gas, Newfield Production, and Continental Resources were charged with violating the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Brigham was charged with unlawfully killing two mallards, Newfield with killing two mallards, one northern pintail and one red-necked duck. Continental was charged with killing one bird called a say’s phoebe. All of the birds, according to the Wildlife Service investigation, fell victim to the oil companies’ “reserve pits” – basically big holes dug into the ground to collect wastewater and mud from drilling operations. Birds can get into these ponds when they’re not properly netted, get covered in oily muck, and die.


Is having birds die in your reserve pits a criminal act? The government seems to think so. Or maybe the DOJ was just looking for reasons to hassle oil companies working to develop the biggest oil field in the nation. .......(Snip)


In dismissing the Government’s case against the oil companies, Judge Hovland stated that the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 is far too vague to justify the indictments. Is inadvertently killing birds in drilling operations something the nation ought to criminalize? If so, Congress needs to rewrite the law to state that explicitly. But Judge Hovland makes it clear he doubts Congress would ever do such a thing, because it would criminalize huge swaths of everyday behavior. He writes that if the Act’s concepts of “take” or “kill” were read to prohibit any activity that could accidentally result in a dead migratory bird (even such common ones as pigeons and starlings), “then many everyday activities become unlawful” such as cutting brush and trees, and planting and harvesting crops, driving a vehicle, owning a building with windows, or owning a cat. Add to that the bird-killing activities of airplanes, power lines, wind turbines.





Your Tax money At Work!

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philipaklein Philip Klein

Don't make any evening plans next week, political junkies -- two GOP debates and one SOTU!




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philipaklein Philip Klein

Don't make any evening plans next week, political junkies -- two GOP debates and one SOTU!






AKA Nationally Televised Obama Campaign Ad.


I am happy to report that one of our highly trained super duper secret agents


Has spirited away a copy of the Presidents speech, and we have after days and days of diligent effort we have been able to decipher it's message..


President Obama is quite simply the most wonderful smartest President in out history

Democrats are great because they care

Republicans are racist/sexist/Islamaphobes/homophobes who are minions of the (evil ultra radical) Koch brothers, and they want to steal all your money, and they torture fuzzy bunnies.

(this of course is only a very loose translation)

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So which candidate is going to drop out tomorrow? Santorum? He has to be running low on campaign donations. Paul? His lunatic supporters will carry him on.


IMO, when it does go down to just three, Mitt and Newt, Paul will just be a protest vote of little consequence.

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So which candidate is going to drop out tomorrow? Santorum? He has to be running low on campaign donations. Paul? His lunatic supporters will carry him on.


IMO, when it does go down to just three, Mitt and Newt, Paul will just be a protest vote of little consequence.

A boost for Santorum from beneficent billionaire dated 1/20/2012


Foster Friess, onetime Chadds Ford resident and current Wyoming billionaire, is not shy about why he's backing Rick Santorum's presidential bid.



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So which candidate is going to drop out tomorrow? Santorum? He has to be running low on campaign donations. Paul? His lunatic supporters will carry him on.


IMO, when it does go down to just three, Mitt and Newt, Paul will just be a protest vote of little consequence.

A boost for Santorum from beneficent billionaire dated 1/20/2012


Foster Friess, onetime Chadds Ford resident and current Wyoming billionaire, is not shy about why he's backing Rick Santorum's presidential bid.




Thanks, had not read that one. But still, if Ricky comes in a weak 3rd tonight, even with some money, will it make sense to carry on?

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Next three scheduled debates:


Upcoming Debates: (scroll down for past debates)


January 23, 2012 9pm ET on NBC

Location:University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida

Sponsor: The Tampa Bay Times, NBC News, the National Journal and the Florida Council of 100

Participants: TBD


January 26, 2012 Air time TBD on CNN

Location: Jacksonville, FL

Sponsor: CNN, CNN en Español, The Hispanic Leadership Network and The Republican Party of Florida

Participants: TBD


February 22, 2012 8pm ET on CNN (Originally Dec 1, then Nov 30)

Location: Mesa Arts Center in Mesa, Arizona

Sponsor: CNN and the Republican Party of Arizona

Participants: TBD



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I don't think he is out yet. If Mitt and Newt keep up the knife fight, it is giving him more staying power as he looks above it all. But what the heck do I know. :lol:

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I don't think he is out yet. If Mitt and Newt keep up the knife fight, it is giving him more staying power as he looks above it all. But what the heck do I know. :lol:


I guess will we find out soon enough.


Oh, and I think you know quite a bit.

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Why are some comments labeled 'dog-whistle' when it seems everyone in the MSM, liberals, Dem politicians, and minorities can all hear the whistle?

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If you should run across info on how many bills Ron Paul has submitted in his career and how many got to the floor and how many got passed, could you let me know?


One source has it that one bill he submitted was passed. Of the 640 resolutions, four made it to the floor.



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Why are some comments labeled 'dog-whistle' when it seems everyone in the MSM, liberals, Dem politicians, and minorities can all hear the whistle?

I don't know what that means. Whose comments are labeled that?

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I don't think he is out yet. If Mitt and Newt keep up the knife fight, it is giving him more staying power as he looks above it all. But what the heck do I know. :lol:



He'll be in Fla. So it's starting to look like Fla. is going to be the make or break stare for Gingrich & Santorum.


The crazy old guy is going to stat in it win lose or draw. For his people this is not a campaign, but a crusade. If it wasn't for his foreign policy, I could find a lot of reasons to support him.

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Why are some comments labeled 'dog-whistle' when it seems everyone in the MSM, liberals, Dem politicians, and minorities can all hear the whistle?

I don't know what that means. Whose comments are labeled that?


Here is as good an explanation as I've seen

News Busters: NYT's Peters on the 'Dog-Whistle Politics,' Subliminal Crosses of the Religious Right

Ahhh. Thanks.

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Why are some comments labeled 'dog-whistle' when it seems everyone in the MSM, liberals, Dem politicians, and minorities can all hear the whistle?

I don't know what that means. Whose comments are labeled that?


Here is as good an explanation as I've seen

News Busters: NYT's Peters on the 'Dog-Whistle Politics,' Subliminal Crosses of the Religious Right

Ahhh. Thanks.



Bet ya didn't know you were a racist did ya. :D


For the low low low price of only $817,662.37 + Shipping and Handling I can send you the extra high frequency hearing aid that will allow you to understand exactly what is going on.

Act soon! Limited offer.

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Why are some comments labeled 'dog-whistle' when it seems everyone in the MSM, liberals, Dem politicians, and minorities can all hear the whistle?

I don't know what that means. Whose comments are labeled that?


Here is as good an explanation as I've seen

News Busters: NYT's Peters on the 'Dog-Whistle Politics,' Subliminal Crosses of the Religious Right

Ahhh. Thanks.



Bet ya didn't know you were a racist did ya. :D


For the low low low price of only $817,662.37 + Shipping and Handling I can send you the extra high frequency hearing aid that will allow you to understand exactly what is going on.

Act soon! Limited offer.


Or you can turn on ABC NBC CBS MSNBC for examples. Or read DKos, MediaMatters or Underground dumpsters.

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Buzz Feed: Romney Aide: Newt Win Will Help Mitt

McKay Coppins



COLUMBIA, South Carolina -- A senior Romney campaign official told BuzzFeed Saturday that he expects Newt Gingrich to beat them in the primary here -- but argued that the loss will make Romney stronger in November


"I think we're going to lose tonight, we could lose big," the aide said, speaking on condition of anonymity. "But I think it's been a terrible week for Gingrich and a great week for us."




“When we go up against Newt, it helps us in the general election,” he said. “It’s not an ideological thing as much as judgment---the total gestalt of it.”



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To those of you who don't understand why SNOW and ICE are such a big deal in Seattle . . .




Neither man, beast or bus is fit for Seattle when it snows. But it's about hills, trees and temps, not wimpiness.


1/21/12 2:57 PM

Critics of Seattle in snow: Shut the hell up | Sportspress Northwest / ART THIEL



I depart from sports commentary to call out the Southlanders, Midwesterners and Easterners who have no idea what they’re talking about when it comes to Seattle drivers and snow.

Enough. I’ve had it.


A Los Angeles Times blog headline this week called us “Snow Wimps.” The LA Times?! I will listen to the LA Times when it describes the microclimates on Kim Kardashian’s continental derriere. That, it would know.


The incredibly shrinking newspaper has nothing to say to me about Seattle’s weather. Especially when a Southland sprinkle sends literally millions of Angelenos into freeway aqua-spasms. TV reporters there hold microphones next to curbs so viewers can hear water running.


Kim Murphy wrote the Times story. She lives in Seattle. She told KUOW radio Thursday that her email in-box has been “severely abused” with critical comments. Good. She has no clue.


You know who has a clue? Me. Not because I’m a Cliff Mass wannabe, or a Jeff Renner stalker. It’s because I’m a career sportswriter. Normally the gig isn’t good for much besides winning bar bets. But it has sent me on assignment to every metropolitan area in the country that has snow, where I’ve frequently rented cars in winter.


As a multiple-time winter visitor/driver to New York, Boston, Philly, Buffalo, Toronto, Detroit, Washington, D.C., Chicago, Milwaukee, Green Bay, St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver, Spokane, Pullman and lots of smaller burgs, I will declare my credentials regarding meteorological comparables second to none.


Take it from me: There is no metro area as treacherous as Seattle in snow.


The relative infrequency of these bouts makes it easy to characterize the subsequent mayhem a result of Seattle drivers’ fear, inexperience, stupidity, potheadedness or wimphood.




No one, from Jimmy Johnson to Danica Patrick to the premier graduate of the Washington State Patrol’s hazardous driving course, can navigate the rare conditions that often attend a major snow dump here.




No downtown that receives snow is as hilly as Seattle. Period. The Priniciple of Verticality. There’s just too much up here to get down safely.


Obviously, some of the aforementioned cities have hills, but not nearly as many in such tight proximity with so much high-rise business and housing on the slopes. I know. I’ve seen the other cities. I’ve spun a 360 on ice in Dallas, gone off a snowbound highway near Green Bay and become trapped by a multi-car collision in Spokane. In all instances, there was no damage to me, my rental car or anyone else’s, because flat terrain allowed me and other drivers to drive slowly out of the problem.


Besides the topography, there’s the brand of snow — wet, gloppy flakes known locally as Seattle cement. Rarely is the snow dry enough to drift, as is often the case in the Midwest, Plains and parts of the Northeast and even Eastern Washington. I remember driving in a semi-blizzard in Salt Lake City where the highway road surface and its edges were plainly visible throughout the white-knuckle, 45-minute drive, thanks to the wind that cleared the dry flakes. Not fun, but manageable.


Wet snow doesn’t drift. It gets compacted onto road beds and sidewalks. Plowing and salting helps, but 90 percent of the streets in a metro area as large as Seattle will never see a plow or a salting truck. Seattle cement can only wait for warm rain to wash most of it away.


Which brings up another problem with two intertwined conditions — relatively mild temperatures and our undying love of trees.


Obviously, all cities have trees. But the density of our arbor canopy, particularly with the abundance of evergreens, means that ice patches can follow patches of bare pavement in chock-a-block fashion for miles. Many of our boulevard and residential-street accidents are caused by little-seen leftovers of ice in the permashade of a Doug fir.


The problem is compounded by the freeze-thaw of snowfalls that typically happen between temperatures of 28 and 34 degrees. In the Midwest, Plains and Northeast, weeks can go by without melt and refreeze, making driving more manageable. As we’ve seen this week, the mild Pacific Ocean temps keep us guessing among snow, rain, freezing rain and possibly airborne unicorns, orcs and Storm Troopers (or the Yellow Jackets of KING5 news).


And in many northern cities, the possibility of serious winter is a proposition built into the culture from October through mid-May, so spending civic treasure on plows and salt is as fundamental a winter investment there as is a vente soy latte half-caff, sugar-free vanilla, light foam, no whip, extra hot, to other communities.


In a time of shrinking tax revenues, I get why Seattle doesn’t armor-up for winter. Or has everyone forgotten last winter’s snow-free mildness? While I understand the city’s snow removal crew requires more than a retiree with with a push broom, a city, like most people stuck with common sense, tries to prepare for most things knowing they can’t afford to prepare for everything.


Every northern city has to deal with bad winter weather and a certain percentage or reckless, foolish or just ignorant drivers. But circumstances nowhere in the lower 48 compare with what sometimes happens in Seattle. If the hardy-har-hars in Los Angeles and elsewhere, including transplants here who often laugh loudest, want to argue, go ahead and take your Lexus to the top of Queen Anne Hill the next time Danger Jim Forman puts on his yellow parka.


I’ll meet you at the body shop and you can tell me how it went.


Follow Art Thiel on Twitter at @Art_Thiel

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