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Obama has figured out why Americans perceive him as aloof: It's the media's fault


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Investors Business Daily:

As he faces a reelection challenge with national job approval ratings still well below 50%, President Obama is seeking to portray himself as a man of the American people, stalled by those bipartisan know-nothings in Congress but determined to look out for the little guy in any way possible.

"We Can't Wait" is his latest slogan, one which Republicans have mockingly picked up referring to the Nov. 6 election date.

After a brief bump from telling the Navy SEALs to kill Osama bin Laden, Obama's approval is now no better than any other modern president and below all but one.

George W. Bush, who caused all the mess that Obama says he needs four more years to fix, was higher (49%) at this point in term one. And even doomed Democrat Jimmy Carter had majority approval (58%) at this late stage in his only term.

Obama will attempt to work on this public perception challenge Tuesday evening during his nationally-televised State of the Union Address to a joint session of Congress with a lengthy wish-list of populist programs. Soon after, comes his proposed federal budget.

Of course, very little of these ideas and items will ever come to pass, which the president knows.

As he seeks to become only the second Democrat president since World War II to win reelection, Obama is in reality building a premature platform to campaign on these next seven months leading to his party's national convention in Charlotte.

A major challenge in Obama's billion-dollar bid for a renewed lease on the White House and four more years to drive his progressive spending agenda is his image as an aloof Harvard elitist out of touch with ordinary citizens, much like 18th century French royalty.

One who golfs during wartime, stages frequent lavish celeb parties while citizens suffer high unemployment and foreclosure rates and vacations luxuriously on distant islands at the drop of a 747-boarding ramp. During last month's holidays, Obama's White House got by with only 37 Christmas trees.

With one highly-publicized exception last summer, Obama's golfing partners and basketball buddies are almost always close friends or staff, an opportunity other chief executives have used for outreach bonding and socializing to ease everyday political cooperation and deals.

It took Obama 18 months, for instance, to invite the Senate opposition leader for an Oval Office coffee, a simple social gesture that most presidents accomplish their first week in office. Intentionally or not, even one of Obama's favorite public postures (see White House photo above) gives off a sense of aloofness or arrogance. Watch for this gaze also as he reads the teleprompter Tuesday evening.snip
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