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CNN’s Thursday night GOP debate


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Gloria Borger is an idiot. Prove me wrong.



Is she a good reason why I should be happy that I don't have TV? If I Google her will I get a headache?

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After the debate and during an interview with AC360, Newt complemented King on a good job. Not burning bridges.


I'm thinking that King feels like SOMETHING got burned. :)



I wonder if his answers to the media starting with the 1st one is part of the reason why they want to take him down? Remember he was the 1st one to call them out and dress them down.

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Gloria Borger is an idiot. Prove me wrong.



Is she a good reason why I should be happy that I don't have TV? If I Google her will I get a headache?


From her picture? Probably not. Just don't click on a video.....hearing her speak will give you a migraine.

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Gloria Borger is an idiot. Prove me wrong.



Is she a good reason why I should be happy that I don't have TV? If I Google her will I get a headache?


From her picture? Probably not. Just don't click on a video.....hearing her speak will give you a migraine.



Thanks for the warning. I need all the help I can get.

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The entire matter could be muted if the MSM would just be fair. How many stories has CNN and ABC, et al, not covered so as to not upset the O? Newt getting a standing ovation should tell them something---that they will ignore.

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I'll confess that tonight's debate was the first debate I've watched from start to finish this election. I've been kind of immersed in job stuff and that has given me enough of an excuse to ignore most of the primary season to this point. Reading through the debate thread, I think I can pick up in midstream and fit right into the Right Reasons flow regarding our primary candidates. Newt kind of summed things up well during his media broadside when he stated that the media assault on conservatives keeps the best people from running. What a mess this country is in. Ron Paul's insanity ironically makes him the only Republican candidate who has a viable excuse for jumping into the meat grinder. He's nuts and doesn't know any better.

The first candidate who offers an opportunity for me to contribute directly toward buying a D9 Cat that they'll use to bulldoze 90% of the Federal buildings in Washington will get my money this year. Otherwise, I am hoping to remain unemotionally attached to the whole process. Billy Graham, Tim Tebow and Donald Rumsfeld don't seem to be prepping for a late entry into the election, so I'm lining up behind the most anti-media candidate. Gotta start somewhere.

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PJ Media

Drunkblogging Tonight’s GOP Debate

Will Steve breakout the Southern Comfort for tonight's debate in Charleston, SC? Tune in here at 8:00 PM eastern to find out!



Stephen Green



January 19, 2012 - 4:44 pm



4:44PM When Ed Driscoll reminded me this afternoon that there was another GOP debate tonight, the first thing I said was a string of obscenities so offensive, my monitor now displays whites as a kind of sickly yellow. But then I remembered Marianne Gingrich, Mitt’s South Carolina poll implosion, Herman Cain’s endorsement of “all Americans,” ABC News declaring itself a wholly-owned subsidiary of the DNC, President Obama speaking at Fantasy Land (!) just a day or so after throttling the XL pipeline, and I thought…


…man, I’m gonna need a bigger string of obscenities.


4:46PM Also, Roger L. Simon is live on the scene, filing reports directly from SC. I don’t know what Roger is drinking, but tonight it’s nothing but Bombay Sapphire martinis for me. Just a touch a dry vermouth, and a nice twist rubbed ’round the rim of the glass.


4:51PM Over at The Other McCain, Smitty is sober-blogging, the poor guy.


4:52PM For the record, I do not want to see Mitt’s tax returns. But I wouldn’t mind seeing his colorist.


4:55PM The biggest disadvantage of watching these things on CNN rather than FOX is, I don’t learn nearly as much as I’d like to know about reverse mortgages.


4:57PM I have Wolf Blitzer’s tie.


4:59PM I’m betting Wolf has some money in the Caymans.


5:00PM Why is a CNN reporter interviewing a CNN reporter? This is news?


5:01PM “Welcome to the South… the heart of the Republican Party…”


Really? Did CNN really just say that?


5:02PM Pro Tip: Defeating Mitt Romney in Iowa is like defeating me in drinking tea.


5:04PM Ron Paul is wearing yet another bespoke suit. Newt is looking… like a guy who I can’t believe ever had even one wife ever. Mitt’s posture is weak. Santorum looks like a guy who just won a state where they lost a bunch of ballots.


Where’s Rick Perry? Did I miss something?

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4:55PM The biggest disadvantage of watching these things on CNN rather than FOX is, I don’t learn nearly as much as I’d like to know about reverse mortgages.



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Politico: Republican debate in South Carolina: 5 memorable moments




Here are the Top 5 memorable moments from Thursday night's debate in S.C.:



5. Gingrich's pitch to parents


GINGRICH: Why is President Obama for young people being allowed to stay on their parents' insurance until 26? Because he can't get any jobs for them to go out and buy their own insurance. (APPLAUSE) I mean I have — I have an offer — I have an offer to the parents of America: Elect us and your kids will be able to move out because they'll have work.


My favorite.

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