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Newt Ex-WIife Unloads On Camera; Network Debates 'Ethics' Of Airing Before SC Primary


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Drudge Report:

Wed Jan 18 2012 18:47:14 ET

Marianne Gingrich has said she could end her ex-husband's career with a single interview.

Earlier this week, she sat before ABCNEWS cameras, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

She spoke to ABCNEWS reporter Brian Ross for two hours, and her explosive revelations are set to rock the trail.

But now a "civil war" has erupted inside of the network, an insider claims, on exactly when the confession will air!


ABCNEWS suits determined it would be "unethical" to run the Marianne Gingrich interview so close to the South Carolina Primary, a curious decision, one insider argued, since the network has aggressively been reporting on other candidates.

A decision was tentatively made to air the interview next Monday, after all votes have been counted.

Gingrich canceled a press conference on Wednesday to deal with the matter.

"He believes that what he says in public and how he lives don't have to be connected," Marianne Gingrich, Newt's wife of 18 years, explained to ESQUIRE last year.

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I have always thought of Gingrich as our Bill Clinton. Smart, principled but practical, politically able, articulate, charismatic...but too needy, too unformed as a person, defined by externals and lacking in personal character. I'm sorry, but that is hard for me to get past because it's such a weakness. It makes him easy to manipulate and far too easy for him to abuse his power.

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It should be noted that the divorce of Marianne & Newt As I understand it was less than pleasant. Given the circumstances it is understandable, that she feels like this is a chance to get some pay back, Hell hath no fury etc etc etc.


This story is exactly what I have been ranting about for the last couple of days. Newts Ex has bad things to say about him. Rick Perry is a racist, None of Mitt Romney's kids went into the military, Michele Bachmann didn't know where the battle of Lexington and Concord were fought. Ron Paul is a secret Nazi, Herman Cain can't keep his pants on. I could go on and on and on.....


We have lazy MSM "journalists digging up every peice of dirt (whether true of not) and making hay out of it. And we (and the candidates) let them get away with it. If I were Newt, first thing in the morning I'd call a press conference and say (words to the effect) "My EX wife is saying bad things about me, and they could very well be true. There have been times in my life when I have done, said things that I am not proud of. That was then, this is now." Then I'd talk about where we are a country and what I would like to do to change the situation for the better.




I have every belief that I will be repeating this rant over the coming months.

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shout Valin, Gingrich's daughters said about the same thing as you. "That was then, this is now." And hasn't Newt already sort of said he wasn't perfect in his earlier, and some would say later, years?


Someone said 'we are electing a president, not a pastor'. Have to agree with them. After the roaring 70's and 80's are there any perfect candidates available, other than Mormons? :)

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‘Very Bitter’


Gingrich responds to Ex-wife's interview.


In response to the Drudge Report’s scoop about Marianne Gingrich’s interview with ABC News, Bob Walker, a senior Gingrich adviser, tells National Review Online that the campaign will fight back. “It is pretty nasty to use personal tragedy for political exploitation,” he says. “That was a very bitter divorce, and you’re talking about somebody who is still, probably, very bitter.”


Beyond Walker, several sources close to the Gingrich campaign agree on the merits, but predict that Gingrich will likely ignore the story. They tell NRO that the interview is a “retread” of an Esquire magazine article published in 2010, and that Gingrich will not respond to the broadcast, at least in any official capacity.


“He’ll answer questions from voters, he’s not running away from anything, but these are old issues from the divorce,” says one source. “He has addressed these issues before, and there is nothing new here.”


Other sources familiar with ABC’s editorial direction on the segment shrug off the newsflashes, guessing that Matt Drudge, the site’s editor, was playing up a leaked scoop, nothing more. “Marianne Gingrich’s unhappiness with how things ended is something people close to Newt have known for a long time,” says a second source. “The real response from people who know him is disappointment with Marianne for doing this, and sadness about the whole situation.”


A prolonged battle with her over quotes, or with ABC News, is likely not on the horizon. There may be concerns voiced about how certain anecdotes are presented, and about specific claims, but “Gingrich has addressed this time and time again,” says a third source. “He is out there all of the time, in all of these forums, acknowledging that he has made mistakes.”snip



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shout Valin, Gingrich's daughters said about the same thing as you. "That was then, this is now." And hasn't Newt already sort of said he wasn't perfect in his earlier, and some would say later, years?


Someone said 'we are electing a president, not a pastor'. Have to agree with them. After the roaring 70's and 80's are there any perfect candidates available, other than Mormons? :)



There is a You Tube out there where Ginghrich is asked about his ex wives. He goes into great length about his first wife and how they have a good relationship, when asked about wife #2, you could see him stiffen (the body language spoke loudly) and in a quieter voice said "we don't talk". I think what we are seeing is a Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned situation. She probably has very good reasons to get some pay back for how she has treated (Gentlemen take note, actions do have consequences!!)


Question: Is this a big thing thing for people here or not?

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‘Very Bitter’


Gingrich responds to Ex-wife's interview.


In response to the Drudge Report’s scoop about Marianne Gingrich’s interview with ABC News, Bob Walker, a senior Gingrich adviser, tells National Review Online that the campaign will fight back. “It is pretty nasty to use personal tragedy for political exploitation,” he says. “That was a very bitter divorce, and you’re talking about somebody who is still, probably, very bitter.”


Beyond Walker, several sources close to the Gingrich campaign agree on the merits, but predict that Gingrich will likely ignore the story. They tell NRO that the interview is a “retread” of an Esquire magazine article published in 2010, and that Gingrich will not respond to the broadcast, at least in any official capacity.


“He’ll answer questions from voters, he’s not running away from anything, but these are old issues from the divorce,” says one source. “He has addressed these issues before, and there is nothing new here.”


Other sources familiar with ABC’s editorial direction on the segment shrug off the newsflashes, guessing that Matt Drudge, the site’s editor, was playing up a leaked scoop, nothing more. “Marianne Gingrich’s unhappiness with how things ended is something people close to Newt have known for a long time,” says a second source. “The real response from people who know him is disappointment with Marianne for doing this, and sadness about the whole situation.”


A prolonged battle with her over quotes, or with ABC News, is likely not on the horizon. There may be concerns voiced about how certain anecdotes are presented, and about specific claims, but “Gingrich has addressed this time and time again,” says a third source. “He is out there all of the time, in all of these forums, acknowledging that he has made mistakes.”snip





The question is will the sharks let it go? Do they see a Herman Cain moment?

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Gingrich aside. Cain aside. Perry aside. Bachman aside. Ryan aside. Palin aside. Rubio aside. Romney aside.


As Hilary would say AH am sick an' tarred of media like ABC destroying our candidates so to wipe the slate clean for Obama.


I am also a tad tired of the fact that our candidates are going after each other and not the Democrats and Obama.


Cannot even believe the mild reaction from most of them on Obama turning down the pipeline.

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Gingrich aside. Cain aside. Perry aside. Bachman aside. Ryan aside. Palin aside. Rubio aside. Romney aside.


As Hilary would say AH am sick an' tarred of media like ABC destroying our candidates so to wipe the slate clean for Obama.


I am also a tad tired of the fact that our candidates are going after each other and not the Democrats and Obama.


Cannot even believe the mild reaction from most of them on Obama turning down the pipeline.





"AH am sick an' tarred of media like ABC destroying our candidates so to wipe the slate clean for Obama."


You don't want to get me started!



A small simple question (pat. pend.) occurred to me....What happened to those women who accused Herman Cain? Are they in an undisclosed location?

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RM & Valin! It is the "Chicago Way" and Axelrods fingerprints might be found if anyone cared to look......but no one in the Lame Stream cares.....they'd rather be aiding & abetting O complete his fundamental change & grab some dough from the peons, after the master plan has taken effect. It was the tactic used for his first entry into public office......and it still works well......why debate the merits of your record, when you can eliminate any challengers before people even vote. Lie, cheat & steal......and Repubs don't like rolling in the mud with pigs.....so.....it will boil down to help from above......which is foreign territory for Obama.

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"A small simple question (pat. pend.) occurred to me....What happened to those women who accused Herman Cain? Are they in an undisclosed location?"


The last time I saw those women they were standing under a "Mission Accomplished" sign.

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I have always thought of Gingrich as our Bill Clinton. Smart, principled but practical, politically able, articulate, charismatic...but too needy, too unformed as a person, defined by externals and lacking in personal character. I'm sorry, but that is hard for me to get past because it's such a weakness. It makes him easy to manipulate and far too easy for him to abuse his power.


A lot of women feel this way about Newt Gingrich, but I don't think he's quite as bad as Bill Clinton ever was. The thing with Newt is don't marry him.

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Newt addresses the interview. This is an excellent Newt video.

He takes on the liberal media. I have wanted someone to finally start calling them out.

carry on!


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I have always thought of Gingrich as our Bill Clinton. Smart, principled but practical, politically able, articulate, charismatic...but too needy, too unformed as a person, defined by externals and lacking in personal character. I'm sorry, but that is hard for me to get past because it's such a weakness. It makes him easy to manipulate and far too easy for him to abuse his power.


A lot of women feel this way about Newt Gingrich, but I don't think he's quite as bad as Bill Clinton ever was. The thing with Newt is don't marry him.


Sort of restates your comment about Newt, but my Twitter post moments ago:


casino1 casino1

Was/is Newt a horndog like Clinton? I haven't heard stories of him like the ones Cain was accused of, or Clinton. No old girlfrnds in news.



Adding to that, didn't all of his 'new' wives know he was married when they cheated with him? They didn't have clean hands either did they????

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Post from: summer patriot, winter soldier


why the lamestream media is your mortal enemy ... (with an assist, ... , to you!!) ...


i just caught newt gingrich on c-span, explaining why the vagaries of the obama energy policy are costing this country enormous economic loss, and holding the state of north Dakota up as an example of what americans can accomplish free of government interference. (it seems that a lot of the bakken oil field is owned privately, and not subject to direct government regulation, ... , say, like the artic wildlife refuge.)


newt gingrich is just about the most lucid thinker on public policy issues of anyone i have witnessed in american politics, and he sets things out clearly, lucidly, cogently and without patronization of his audience. he doesn't tell them what to think, he just gives them the facts in a very organized manner, and leaves the conclusion to his listeners.


yet, the media is not interesting in responding or even covering this sort of thing, as it is more interested in besmirching his reputation with lurid coverage of his marriage peccadillo's.


about the only public figure i can think of who is as good in extemporaneous speaking about policy issues is the pederast barnie frank.


and, therein lies my point. seemingly not one person in the lame-stream liberal media is in the slightest interested in frank's sexual misconduct, or his censure by the house for running a gay whore house out of his apartment. and, no one has ever investigated just "how young" his taste for the "young stuff" runs, or has run.


in effect, the media is using its investigative prowess to eliminate a bona fide challenger to barack obama, and when they feel that they have done with gingrich, they will turn on another of the g.o.p. candidates to slander by innuendo and misdirection, and outright false accusation. (admittedly, gingrich has done himself no favors by his conduct, ... , yet, it is obvious that only republicans suffer from this in the public view.)


teddy kennedy, anyone? the rest of the alcoholic whore mongers in the kennedy family, to include nephews and cousins?


so, it is passing odd, to witness the media feeding frenzy on gingrich, while the media is absolutely silent and disinterested about barack obama giving a cab driver a blow job while he was in the united states senate, and remains studiously oblivious to his open and notorious frequenting of openly gay bath houses in the chicago area.



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Good assessment of the ex-wife crap by Bernard Goldberg:


Newt...His Ex-Wife...and the Media


I hope he's right about the backlash against the media being greater than the backlash against Newt. Everytime the media overplays its hand, it takes another step into irrelevance. A key question is whether the media will be able to destroy the country before it destroys itself.

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