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Climate Change Doubts Heat Up the Classroom


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Investors Business Daily:

Climate Change: Teachers reportedly are getting push-back on middle and high school curricula that fuel the speculation that man is warming the planet. Their frustration is almost worthy of a celebration.

Earlier this week, the Los Angeles Times recounted teachers' experiences with global warming instruction. The Washington bureau noted that "scientists and educators report mounting resistance to the study of man-made climate change in middle and high schools" and declared that "a flash point has emerged in American science education."

Frank Niepold, identified as "climate education coordinator for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, who meets with hundreds of teachers annually," described for the Times what he has seen in these exchanges.

"Any time we have a meeting of 100 teachers, if you ask whether they're running into push-back on teaching climate change, 50 will raise their hands," Niepold said. "We ask questions about how sizable it is, and they tell us it is (sizable) and pretty persistent, from many places: your administration, parents, students, even your own family."

Apparently, teachers expected to be free to indoctrinate their students. But they have run into dissent. And this is encouraging: If Niepold's observation is representative of the nation as a whole, then roughly half of Americans are apparently skeptical of the global warming claim.

Considering how the public has been bombarded by a press that believes in and is wedded to the man-made global warming tale, this actually borders on the remarkable.snip
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There's nothing "scientific" about about the man made global warming hoax.



Well actually we do have something to do with it. The questions are A. How much? (I suspect the answer is not much) B. What can we do to lessen it? (the words Good Stewardship come to mind) C. Given that where I sit here in MPLS 20,000 years ago we were at the edge of a one mile high ice sheet, is global warming a bad thing? (OF YEAH!!! 1 mile high ice sheets in Mn. are a bad thing) D. This is a question I never see asked...What is the ideal temperature? What temperature should we be shooting for? (Chirp Chirp Chirp)

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There's nothing "scientific" about about the man made global warming hoax.



Well actually we do have something to do with it. The questions are A. How much? (I suspect the answer is not much) B. What can we do to lessen it? (the words Good Stewardship come to mind) C. Given that where I sit here in MPLS 20,000 years ago we were at the edge of a one mile high ice sheet, is global warming a bad thing? (OF YEAH!!! 1 mile high ice sheets in Mn. are a bad thing) D. This is a question I never see asked...What is the ideal temperature? What temperature should we be shooting for? (Chirp Chirp Chirp)


The real question should be "Why is Global Warming a Bad Thing?". Throughout much of the history of the planet the temperatures were much higher than today and those periods were when life most proliferated. Not only in sheer numbers in populations, but of great diversity as well.


The real truth is that Global Warming will be primarily detrimental to human society, and, really only that segment of society that lives near shorelines. Oh sure, I know that some species of wildlife will die off, or perhaps adapt, but then 99% of all life that has ever existed on this planet has become extinct in the billions of years of the planet's evolution.


The primary goal of the Global Warming argument is to maintain the status quo, which is contrary to the first rule of science....."The only constant is change". While I would be a fool to contend that humans play no part in climate change, it could be considered equally foolish to argue that we could change that in any way short of reverting to a pre-stoneage culture, back to living in trees and scavenging on the savannah. Even so, the climate will still change, as it always has.


I find it ironic that, after decades of yelling "Humans Are Bad", the tree hugger crowd is willing to turn aside the natural evolution of the planet in order to preserve a few human cities....not humans themselves, but their buildings and infra-structure, the very things that they have argued against for years.


End Rant, you may now go about your normally scheduled activities.

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