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Why Are President Obama's Defenders So Dumb?


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Investors Business Daily:

Media Bias: A presidential infomercial posing as a news magazine distorts the record to shamelessly shill for a failed administration. Why do we criticize the man who made the high-speed trains run on time?

Political campaigns call it free media: when candidates can make their case and communicate their message through interviews and outlets that don't cost a dime.

It helps when a mainstream media sycophant like Andrew Sullivan gets to write a puff piece in Newsweek with the subtle title of "Why Are The President's Critics So Dumb?" The Democratic National Committee couldn't have said it better.

Calling the president's critics dumb is not novel, and it's something President Obama and wife Michelle have done often. When ObamaCare was being shoved down our throats behind closed doors, the president said he had simply not made the case clearly enough so that opponents in flyover country, those bitter townsfolk clinging to their Bibles and guns, could get it.

Sullivan says it's "not true" Obama "has raised taxes" and that ObamaCare "is much more moderate" than its critics claim. Well, let's start with Obama's raising the federal tax nearly 62 cents on a pack of cigarettes to $1.01, which hits Occupy Wall Street's 99% hard and makes a mockery of the pledge not to raise taxes on those making less than $250,000.

Then there are the ObamaCare taxes that took effect right after it was passed though the "benefits" won't appear until 2014. For starters, there's a 0.9% Medicare surtax on wages more than $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 for married couples, along with a 3.8% Medicare tax on investment income.

There's the "Cadillac tax" on high-value health plans from which unions sought exemption. There are the individual and employer mandates that require employers to provide or individuals to buy health insurance.snip
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Why Are Obama's Critics So Dumb?

"He is a man with a plan" by AndrewSullivanwritningfor Newsweek


Consider the sources but...


Just wondering... why no "President Obama"?

Is it because he is so superior to a mere president and He is now to be known as The One Name?

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Just read this and from an Englishman assigned over here:



Prominent Obama-backer Andrew Sullivan has a rather pompous piece in this week’s edition of Newsweek, which the magazine has subtly headlined on its cover page: “Why are Obama’s critics so dumb?” You can read the whole article here at The Daily Beast, but his conclusion pretty well sums up the entire piece, which reads a lot like a desperate White House press release:


"If I sound biased, that’s because I am. Biased toward the actual record, not the spin; biased toward a president who has conducted himself with grace and calm under incredible pressure, who has had to manage crises not seen since the Second World War and the Depression, and who as yet has not had a single significant scandal to his name. “To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle,” George Orwell once wrote. What I see in front of my nose is a president whose character, record, and promise remain as grotesquely underappreciated now as they were absurdly hyped in 2008. And I feel confident that sooner rather than later, the American people will come to see his first term from the same calm, sane perspective. And decide to finish what they started."


In response to Sullivan’s provocative article, which has stirred up a good deal of debate in America, here are five reasons why President Obama’s conservative critics are significantly smarter in their approach and thinking than his failing Left-wing administration in Washington:


1. Obama’s critics have a far better understanding of the concerns of the American people and the mood of the country


If Obama’s critics are so dumb why do most Americans agree with their view that the United States is moving in the wrong direction under this president? The latest RealClear Politics average has roughly two thirds of Americans (65.3 per cent) believing the country is moving down “the wrong track”. Just over a quarter of Americans (28.3 per cent) believe it is heading the right way. To see just how disillusioned Americans have become with Obama’s America, look at this Gallup poll from December, which showed US public satisfaction at its nearly lowest level since 1979 when Jimmy Carter was president:


throughout 2011, an average of 17% of Americans said they were satisfied with the way things are going in the United States. That is the second-lowest annual average in the more than 30-year history of the question, after the 15% from 2008. Satisfaction has averaged as high as 60% in 1986, 1998, and 2000.


2. Obama’s critics reject big government and the ludicrous idea that bureaucrats know best


Edited by clearvision
Snipped as probably too much copied in from a blog.
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"If I sound biased, that’s because I am. Biased toward the actual record, not the spin; biased toward a president who has conducted himself with grace and calm under incredible pressure, who has had to manage crises not seen since the Second World War and the Depression, and who as yet has not had a single significant scandal to his name. “To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle,” George Orwell once wrote. What I see in front of my nose is a president whose character, record, and promise remain as grotesquely underappreciated now as they were absurdly hyped in 2008. And I feel confident that sooner rather than later, the American people will come to see his first term from the same calm, sane perspective. And decide to finish what they started.



Grace and calm?

"Who has had to manage crises not seen since the Second World War and the Depression"

Andy my boy...Read some history!

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Thanks, Valin! It is especially nice to get a compliment like that from you!


This was news today & the result of more government intervention may look like this someday:




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