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My One Question for All the GOP Presidential Candidates


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In my previous two columns, I outlined the 10 questions we need to ask to find our next president. I believe them wholeheartedly, but I have one last question that is almost as important as all of them combined. And it is for all the GOP candidates.

During former House Speaker Newt Gingrich's November trip to Charleston, S.C., he said the following: "I do approach this whole campaign, I think, differently from everybody else. We have a number of friends who are also running. We have no opponents except Barack Obama. I think that's very important. I think (Abraham) Lincoln was very wise, as was captured in a book called 'Team of Rivals.' ... Literally everybody who was his opponent ended up in the Cabinet because he needed all of them in order to be able to put together the political power during the crisis that we faced. I would say the same thing. I don't know of a single person currently running who wouldn't be a very effective member of an administrative team and who doesn't have real talent and, in some way ... a unique strength. So I don't have any opponents on the Republican side."
Today's Republican presidential competitors are a unique blend of gifted and talented people. How many times have you heard from others, "There are strong elements I like in all of them"? You may not want to see all of them in the chair of the Oval Office, but wouldn't you want to see most help the president and country in some position? Who wouldn't want to utilize the brilliance and experience of Gingrich? Who doesn't appreciate the resolve and moral resiliency of former Sen. Rick Santorum? Who wouldn't want to see our country benefit from the business background and leadership of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney? Who doesn't like the emboldened constitutional spirit and frugal fiscal passions of Rep. Ron Paul? And who wouldn't value Texas Gov. Rick Perry's advocacy for jobs and against frivolous lawsuits via tort reform?

I recognize that candidates cannot choose Cabinet members or others in their administration before they are elected, but that does not mean they cannot pledge to. That is why my one last question for all Republican candidates is this: If elected president, will you appoint your GOP rivals as a part of your administration, to utilize their skill sets as President Lincoln did with his rivals, in order to unite and restore our republic?

Yes or no?

Lincoln once said: "I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong."

Lincoln also echoed Jesus' words: "A house divided against itself cannot stand."

GOP candidates: Yes or no?
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