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Dead People and Other Voters


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American Spectator:

Years ago the Democrats learned that the surest way to win a tight election was to have just the right number of dead people ready to vote. It worked in Texas in 1948 and Illinois in 1960 and may have worked in South Carolina in 2010 if Attorney General Eric Holder hadn't left well enough alone.

In late December he announced that the U.S. Department of Justice would block South Carolina's new law requiring voters to present photo IDs at the polls, a direction he reiterated in a MLK Day appearance yesterday. Holder's stated reason for the blockage was that the law would put minorities and poor people at a disadvantage. He ignored the fact that photo IDs are required to board airplanes; (from young people) to buy cigarettes or liquor; to buy certain over-the-counter medicines; and, in many stores, to buy things with a credit card. Never mind awkward facts when it's possible to depict the South Carolina legislature and Republicans in general as discriminatory.
Holder may soon regret his action which, like nearly everything else done by the Obama Administration these days, is intended to help get Mr. Obama reelected. South Carolina's attorney general, Alan Wilson, has announced that the Palmetto state is going to court to clear this blockage. He announced that his investigation shows at least 900 dead people voted in South Carolina in the 2010 election. If only Holder had left things alone, those 900 dead folks might just have easily voted again this year.

South Carolina's voter ID is similar to active laws now in place an half a dozen other states. ID cards are free, and readily available at South Carolina motor vehicle department offices. In addition, if a voter who comes to the polls without a voter ID can cast a provisional vote by signing an affidavit. Once it has been checked for accuracy the vote is counted.

The late, unlamented ACORN put new a twist on the dead-people-voting gambit: Their minions registered non-existent people in several states. In Seattle, in recent years, several were caught filling out voter registration sheets using names from the telephone book. In St. Louis, they filled in the names of baseball players. Currently, Indiana is investigating a case of fraudulent voting in South Bend.
In California, the Democrats have found a subtler way to skew voting. A voter initiative in 2010 took redistricting from the highly partisan state legislature and put it in the hands of a "citizen commission," presumably neutral. A much heralded vetting process culled some 35,000 applicants down to a commission of 14, five each registered Democrats and Republicans and four "independents." Because population in the more conservative inland had increased considerably since 2000, it was thought the Republicans might pick up some seats. The opposite occurred. On paper at least, it looks as if the party will lose seats in both the legislature and the Congressional delegation. snip
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Excerpt from a PJMedia post:


Obama’s Chicago is notorious for its corrupt voting practices. In fact, one of the latest political jokes in Chicago is that there is now empirical and incontrovertible evidence that Muammar Gaddafi and Osama bin Laden are both dead. Their names recently appeared on the city’s voting rolls.
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