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The Cry-Baby in Chief


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Front Page Magazine:

This week, Matt Drudge turned The Obamas, by New York Times columnist Jodi Kantor, into an instant bestseller by linking to a story that cited an anecdote from the book. It claimed that the Obamas held a spare-no-expense Halloween party at the White House. “For the Obamas’ first celebration in the White House, Desiree Rogers and her team turned the building into a spooky wonderland, with orange spotlights, thousand-pound pumpkins, and musicians dressed like skeletons,” Kantor reports. Inside the White House, at the VIP party, kids could play with George Lucas’ actual Wookies. More prominently, the State Dining Room was “decorated by the movie director Tim Burton in his signature creepy-comic style,” based on his new movie Alice in Wonderland. Johnny Depp showed up dressed as the Mad Hatter.

The White House hid the party from public view. They didn’t want the rest of the nation to know how they were spending our hard-earned tax dollars on an episode of MTV’s My Sweet Sixteen. Thus, neither Burton nor Depp showed up on White House visitor logs.
While this revelation in Kantor’s book is dismaying, it’s her portrayal of our Commander-In-Chief that is truly shocking. Barack Obama comes off as a man with deep personal issues, manifested in a supreme self-centeredness and tremendous insecurity. He is emotionally fragile, unable to stand criticism, and bewildered by dissent.

Take, for example, Obama’s tendency to cry. In Kantor’s book, Obama is repeatedly on the verge of tears. “During the campaign,” writes Kantor, “Obama told friends he couldn’t look at [Valerie] Jarrett during speeches lest he become too emotional and start to cry.” (That was because Jarrett played both sister and mother to Obama, as Kantor relates.) At the launch party for his poorly-written second autobiography, The Audacity of Hope, Kantor says, “he stood alone at the front of the tent, overcome with tears.” Just a few pages later, Obama is at it again, “tears in his eyes” while watching his daughter “practice dance moves,” since he sees her so seldom. Upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, the Obamas “felt better understood than they did in Washington” – and once again, Obama was “fighting back tears” during his speech.snip
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