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AMERITOPIA: Mark Levin Connects the Dots


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The American Thinker:

C. Edmund Wright

When I came across the line that "Utopia misapprehends man's nature," I had to stop reading and make a note to self. I do this with any brilliantly succinct and accurate notion. This line was so good that I wish I had written it myself. I had not.

Mark Levin wrote that and many other such nuggets -- and wove them into a tightly coherent narrative on where and why America is today. It's entitled Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America, published today. Like his Liberty and Tyranny three years ago, this book should defy publishing gravity and demonstrate that Americans are indeed interested in intellectual history -- as long as the author can make it compelling and demonstrate relevance.

Levin does both.



Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America
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I received Liberty and Tyranny for Xmas and am reading it right now. His new book will be soon to follow. Levin is great.


It comes out tomorrow I believe.


"Get off the phone ya big dummy!"

Mark Levin :P

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The book came out today and already already 178 customer reviews on Amazon


My personal favorite


* Couldnt go past chapter2, January 17, 2012


This review is from: Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America (Hardcover)

I received this book for Christmas and after 2 1/2 chapters had to put it down. Levins disassociation with the core issues of whats hindering average Americans is irritating. My mother listens to him so I am going to have to spend a wkend with her on the internet to try and educate her on the "real" issues facing future generations of Americans!



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Rush was touting his "buddy" Mark Levin's book today. Says he does not need to write a book because Levin's covers his thoughts.


But, anyway, I just wanted to give a shout out to Mark's book Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America. If you want to know why, and I mean if you want to know, other than just guessing and having your own sense of awareness, if you want to know why 48.6% of the population lives in a household receiving some type of government assistance, it's because it's being done on purpose. There is an effort to unmake this country. There is an effort to destroy this country as founded, to destroy the sovereignty of every individual. We talk about America as a nation losing its sovereignty. The sovereignty of every individual is under assault, and has been for years.


And the question that everybody has is, "Is it too late?" To salvage it, to reverse it. 48.6% of the population living in a household receiving some type of government benefit -- and that is becoming the new definition of being an American, that entitlement. The government is supposed to provide these things, that's what the Occupy bunch is all about. That's Obama's creation to create that sentiment, that the purpose of America is to make sure outcomes in life are equal, that nobody has any more than anybody else.

An inspiring book, too. Again, it's called Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America. It's a combination of taking "Utopia," which is an impossible thing! Utopia is impossible, but the left is out searching for it. It's their quest, and that's what they want to turn America into: Ameritopia. It can't be done, and they destroy the country in their effort to create this myth, this mythological place that cannot be reached. It is impossible for there to be perfection in anything. Nothing is perfect, and yet that's their quest -- as they define it, but it's perverted all the way around.

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For What It's Worth

#1 in Books > Politics & Social Sciences > Social Sciences
#1 in Books > Politics & Social Sciences > Politics
Looks like Mark has another winner.

Customer Reviews
Some really fast readers out there. :D
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Utopia, a Greek word which can be literally translated to mean "No Place".


Ameritopia, a liberal attempt to model the United States after a place that doesn't exist.

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Utopia, a Greek word which can be literally translated to mean "No Place".


Ameritopia, a liberal attempt to model the United States after a place that doesn't exist.



That's only because they haven't had the right people in charge.


The Great Liberal Death Wish

Malcolm Muggeridge

May 1979




Now I want to throw my mind back to my childhood, to the sitting room in the little suburban house in south London where I grew up. On Saturday evenings my father and his cronies would assemble there, and they would plan together the downfall of the capitalist system and the replacement of it by one which was just and humane and egalitarian and peaceable, etc. These were my first memories of a serious conversation about our circumstances in the world. I used to hide in a big chair and hope not to be noticed, because I was so interested. And I accepted completely the views of these good men, that once they were able to shape the world as they wanted it to be, they would create a perfect state of affairs in which peace would reign, prosperity would expand, men would be brotherly, and considerate, and there would be no exploitation of man by man, nor any ruthless oppression of individuals. And I firmly believed that, once their plans were fulfilled, we would realize an idyllic state of affairs of such a nature. They were good men, they were honest men, they were sincere men. Unlike their prototypes on the continent of Europe, they were men from the chapels. It was a sort of spillover from the practice of nonconformist Christianity, not a brutal ideology, and I was entirely convinced that such a brotherly, contented, loving society would come to pass once they were able to establish themselves in power.


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