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Syrian soldier 'decapitated seven-month-old boy in front of his mother after finding suspected rebel was not at home'


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Daily Mail.co.uk:

Officer said to have grabbed child, decapitated him and threatened to kill more children if rebel did not give himself up

Concerns of war crimes after reports children have been shot and tortured during crackdown on unrest

Estimated 5,000 people have died in violent 10-month uprising

Syrian soldiers ordered to crack down on people suspected of sheltering rebels are reported to have cut the head of a seven-month-old baby after storming a house.

A soldier from the Syrian army's 11th Armoured Division claimed his commanding officer snatched the child from the living room when they found the man they were looking for was out.

The officer then apparently laid the child on the floor, pulled out his army knife and decapitated the little boy in front of his horrified mother.

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