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Obama: "Since I've Taken Office, I've Cut Your Taxes"


"I know you hear a lot of folks on cable TV claiming that I am this 'big tax and spend liberal.' Next time you hear that, you just remind the people who are saying it that since I've taken office, I've cut your taxes. Your taxes -- your taxes today, the average middle class family, your taxes today are lower than when I took office. Just remember that. We have cut taxes for small businesses, not once, not twice, but 17 times. The average family's tax burden is among the lowest it's been in the last 60 years. So the problem is not that we've been raising taxes. We've been trying to give families a break during these tough times," Obama said at a campaign event in Scranton, Penn.


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Ok, what's wrong with this picture?


"The willingness to accept responsibility for one's own life is the source from which self-respect springs."

Joan Didion

I live in such a different world from that woman we could be on different planets. Physically I don't know how such a tiny person could give birth to 15 children. That story and those kids are going to haunt me for a while I'm afraid.

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The mind set of ignorance and entitlement.



Those poor babies.


I will pay for her tubal ligation.

Oh yeah -- I'll chip in, too.

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Yep...the msm is attempting yet another co-op; but this one won't work. Heard a snippet on NPR this AM. It involved a question asked by one of these here (occupy-er) "think tanks" (read: gathering of the unwashed and idiotic). The question was (paraphrased) "who are we going to vote for?" I heard two responses: 1) "I don't know! Who can do the most for us?" and 2) It's no use voting because all politicians are the same!"

Yes sirree-bob....these here occupiers are juuuuuuuust like the Tea Party Movement!" /sarc

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Yep...the msm is attempting yet another co-op; but this one won't work. Heard a snippet on NPR this AM. It involved a question asked by one of these here (occupy-er) "think tanks" (read: gathering of the unwashed and idiotic). The question was (paraphrased) "who are we going to vote for?" I heard two responses: 1) "I don't know! Who can do the most for us?" and 2) It's no use voting because all politicians are the same!"

Yes sirree-bob....these here occupiers are juuuuuuuust like the Tea Party Movement!" /sarc



At best they are children, at worse...well we've all seen them at their worst.

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Life Lessons Learned by Occupiers.


This is hilarious but the lessons are true.


Full Story

That was good.



Anyone with the brains God gave an animal cracker could have understood this what was going to happen. Sorry Reality trumps good intentions.

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An amendment to the Defense bill to sanction the Iranian national bank just passed the Senate with apparently no dissenting votes. Would imagine it will pass in the House as well. If it happens, it will put Iran in a real bind. I think the UK has already done it.

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Amendment Number: S.Amdt. 1414 to S. 1867 (National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012)

Statement of Purpose: To require the imposition of sanctions with respect to the financial sector of Iran, including the Central Bank of Iran.


Vote Counts: YEAs 100

NAYs 0

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