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Weiner's Woes: No Skillz To Pay the Billz


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"There is life after Congress for Anthony Weiner," New York Democratic Rep. Nita Lowey grimly assured reporters on Thursday before his resignation announcement. But Weiner's life has been nothing but Congress. Nothing but government. Nothing but taxpayer-subsidized self-perpetuation. In other words: the life of a pathetic public leech.

Amid vulgar heckling brought on by his own reckless behavior and smug jokes, Weiner told reporters at his three-ring press conference that there is "no higher honor in a democracy" than to be an elected representative. But like legions of entrenched swamp creatures, he's lost sight of the simple proposition that serving in Congress should remain a temporary calling, not a lifelong career.

Last year, the now-jobless Weiner joked on former roommate Jon Stewart's cable comedy show that he didn't "have a lot of marketable skills." It's one of Weiner's rare truthful utterances over the past year. A protege of fossilized New York Sen. Charles Schumer, Weiner has spent the past 20 years in politics -- straight out of college to the present. Through seven consecutive congressional terms, he has stridently advocated job-killing policies in the name of the working class, about which this ruling-class elitist knows nothing.

Potomac Fever is a bipartisan disease, of course. And the Founding Fathers were rightly concerned about its corrupting consequences. At Virginia's ratifying convention in 1788, George Mason made the case for a citizen legislature grounded in reality: "Nothing so strongly impels a man to regard the interest of his constituents, as the certainty of returning to the general mass of the people, from whence he was taken, where he must participate in their burdens."snip
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He will be a consultant or write a book or two or go on speaking circuit. Have a feeling he will be able to market his sleazy skills.


Hey, there is always stand up comedian opportunities

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" Nothing but taxpayer-subsidized self-perpetuation. In other words: the life of a pathetic public leech.

Wow!! What a line.. and such a perfect description of too many public officials.

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Weiner’s Pension, Benefits Could Top $1 Million


While Rep. Anthony Weiner may no longer have the benefit of Congress’ generous health care plan once he resigns, he will still be able to collect his pension and other benefits that could total more than $1 million during his lifetime.

According to an analysis of his available benefits by the National Taxpayers Union, the New York Democrat’s pension and a savings plan lawmakers have access to similar to a 401(k) could be worth $1.12 million to $1.28 million.

At 46, Weiner will not be eligible for his pension for another decade, at which point he could begin drawing a reduced rate of $32,357 a year, according to NTU. If he waits until age 62 to begin drawing his pension, he will receive his full benefits, or $46,224, according to NTU’s calculations.

Additionally, if Weiner aggressively invested in the Thrift Savings Plan, his balance would be roughly $216,000, the organization said.snip



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I truly hate to see this story come to an end and Anthony move off the center stage of DEM politics. It was fun to see them all twist in the wind... and the jokes were sooooo easy.


In a final tribute to Anthony and his escapades, I want to reprise some verse from the great American poet, Mason Williams. This ode is from his collective work "Them Poems".


Them Doodle Dashers


How about them doodle dashers, ain't they jewls?

Jumpin' out o' bushes, waivin' they tools.

Jumpin' out o' palm trees, jumpin' out o' shrubs,

Leapin' out o' flowerbeds, waivin' they nubs.

Look at them doodle dashers, ain't they queer,

flagin' they tally-wacker, then disappear.

Them ever-lovin' doodle dashers, ain't they pearls,

Waivin' they doodle-knobs, at them girls.

How to be a doodle dasher? Well, you don't need a ticket;

Get your dandy doodle handy, jump from a thicket!


Who knows... with all of Tony's "strange" proclivities, this ode might be appropriate as well. :unsure:


Them Moose goosers


How about them Moose goosers, Ain't they cluse?

Up in them boondocks, goosin' them moose

Goosin' them huge moose, goosin' them tiny,

Goosin them medlin' moose in they hinny!

Look at them Moose goosers, Ain't they dumb?

Some use an umbrella, some use they thumb.

Them obtuse Moose goosers, sneakin' through the woods,

pokin' they snoozey moose in they goods,

How to be a Moose gooser? It'll turn you puce;

Get your gooser loose, and rouse a drowsy moose!


There are several other of "Them Poems" that also might be appropriate for Anthony... I'll let you decide.


Them Poems... more of them

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Nize pomes,shoutNCTexan!


A. Weiner lost his office, from his picture on a tweet,


Athough there were so many....couldn't make them all delete,


But more because he lied & then for weeks he'd just repeat,


And for his nasty nature, 'cause he just cannot be sweet.


So now he's unemployed.....for that compromising print,


His prospects look no better than a ball of pocket lint,


The barking liberal bulldog, has no byte....he's lost his dint,


Still there's a "bone-a-fied" job offer, from the Hustler, Larry Flynt!


The loss of Missus Weiner is the next thing to be feared,


She's kept her hurt & silence since his picture's first appeared,


Has her life as "Cankle's" girlfriend....in any way been queered?


He still might lose his other job....as Huma Weiners beard.

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Nize pomes,shoutNCTexan!


A. Weiner lost his office, from his picture on a tweet,


Athough there were so many....couldn't make them all delete,


But more because he lied & then for weeks he'd just repeat,


And for his nasty nature, 'cause he just cannot be sweet.


So now he's unemployed.....for that compromising print,


His prospects look no better than a ball of pocket lint,


The barking liberal bulldog, has no byte....he's lost his dint,


Still there's a "bone-a-fied" job offer, from the Hustler, Larry Flynt!


The loss of Missus Weiner is the next thing to be feared,


She's kept her hurt & silence since his picture's first appeared,


Has her life as "Cankle's" girlfriend....in any way been queered?


He still might lose his other job....as Huma Weiners beard.

I stand in awe of the Poet Laureate of TRR.



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Excellent verse, SrWoodchuck. :lol:


(I expect the Weiner to run for mayor of New York City . . . and win it. :blink: )

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I am humbled by your recognition, glad you enjoyed it and at the same time, saddened & disturbed that with all our beautiful country has on it's plate......we have such severely flawed demagogues as Congressional representives of the American people.

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Excellent verse, SrWoodchuck. :lol:


(I expect the Weiner to run for mayor of New York City . . . and win it. :blink: )



I think about all the good & bad Mayors of NYC throughout the years......and even compared to the worst of them, Anthony Weiner is a lightweight & a profligate onanist. I'm hoping you're wrong about his "weinning" as NYC Mayor.


BTW-I include Bloomberg in the bad category.

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