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Republican Debate New Hampshire


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I just spent 2 hours reading the entire transcript since I unfortunately missed the debate. For the first time in many months I actually have hope and am excited about future prospects.

Any one of them as President, Vice President, Speaker of the House, Majority Leader would be 100% better than what we have now.


The formerly liberal producer told Rush:

MAMET: Well, I think the first one was around the 2004 election, and I went to synagogue, as I do regularly. The rabbi was talking about political civility, and he said it's in the Judeo-Christian tradition that before you criticize someone you have to sit down with them and restate their position to them such that they'll say, "Yes, that's what I mean," and then they have to state your position to you so that you say, "Yes," so you both agree that you understand what the positions are, then you each introduce your facts. So I wanted to... I took the advice to heart. I said: "Well, as a good liberal I better be able to state the conservative position." (chuckles) So I started researching and I started reading, and it dawned on me that I was not a liberal, that although I could state the position of who I thought were my enemies, the conservatives, I could not rationally state the position of the liberals.


Entire interview here:



Anyway read the CNN transcript and you will see from every candidate clear, articulate statements of fundamental common sense thinking and policy opinion. and not just intellectual idealistic ideology. You will also see some smart stances taken by ALL not to be side tracked into petty stereotypical issues and opinions.



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I have heard over and over from the talking heads that Pawlenty missed his opportunity by not arguing with Romney or Romney should have said this to so and so etc etc. They even TRIED to bate them to argue during the debate. It seemed to me that they may have agreed amongst themselves before the debate NOT to snipe at one another. Whether this was the case or not, I was happy that they did not go at one another but that they were united in going after the present administration. It made them much more effective to have a united front and made it seem as though the dults were trying to take the WH back.

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Today while I worked in my art room I listened to talk radio. Hannity had 2 totally devout and adoring fans of the O call in. Logic, common sense, understanding and knowledge of economics etc -NADA. But they knew every single Saul Alinsky ever uttered about us rich evil Republicans. The woman had the nerve to tell Sean Hannity who told her he pays 50% of his income in taxes that first he was teasing her and then that "you are rich and can afford it".

The debate the other night was a bunch of boring blowhards. No body had a plan. yada yada yada. Thanks Democrat LSM.

Scary stuff.

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Hannity had 2 totally devout and adoring fans of the O call in. Logic, common sense, understanding and knowledge of economics etc -NADA. But they knew every single Saul Alinsky ever uttered about us rich evil Republicans.

RM is too PC to describe the two callers... but it appears that his ethnic base is as strong as ever.

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