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Obama’s focus: Romney, Pawlenty and Huntsman


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The Hill:

CHICAGO — Only three Republican candidates for president are listed on the wall of President Obama’s new campaign headquarters — Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty and Jon Huntsman.

Seven Republicans debated each other in New Hampshire on Monday night, but the handmade wall sign here in Chicago might give a better glimpse of the men who most worry Obama.

The shortlist of three GOP contenders includes their schedules as well as those of the president, vice president, first lady and chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee. Nowhere to be seen are the schedules of Sarah Palin, Reps. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and Ron Paul (R-Texas), former Speaker Newt Gingrich and pizza magnate Herman Cain.
An aide said the Obama campaign and DNC are keeping tabs on more candidates, but the list gives a pretty good sense of whom Obama’s team thinks its candidate might face this fall.

If Romney, Pawlenty or Huntsman emerges after a tough GOP primary fight, he would be seen as a mainstream candidate who would have no trouble lining up the Republican establishment. All three could appeal to the independent voters Obama’s advisers have courted with fervor since Republicans took over the House in November’s midterm elections, but might face a tougher time winning over conservatives.

Romney, the GOP front-runner, has widespread name recognition after running in 2008, as well as the ability to raise more money than the rest of the field. His message is all about the economy.snip
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Another reason to go read The Hillbuzz and "Don't Be an Eeyore"

Don't let them intimidate us. WE are the TEA PARTY. WE brought about 2010.

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