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Viva the New American Revolution!


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Pajamas Media:

The week just past was a great one for the New American Revolution — that guerrilla assault by alternative media minutemen on the amassed redcoats of the Empire of Lies.

Leading the charge was Internet publisher Andrew Breitbart. Breitbart, of course, exposed lefty New York Congressman Anthony Weiner as a lowlife and liar — but of equal importance, he re-established himself as the muckraker of integrity he is. After Breitbart suffered slanderous blackballing from left and right alike for his handling of the Shirley Sherrod affair, it was a genuine thrill to see him vindicated. Standing before the biased reporters he’d scooped once again, he challenged them, “The media says, ‘Breitbart lies, Breitbart lies, Breitbart lies, Breitbart lies.’ Give me one example of a provable lie. One — one!”

Less dramatic, but also noteworthy, Glenn Beck announced the launch of GBTV, an online video network that will run his TV and radio shows and other content when he leaves Fox News at the end of the month. The often-embattled Beck has recently been replaying some of his past political predictions on air — predictions for which he was sometimes called crazy and which have more often than not come true. It’s been a convincing reminder of what a truly invaluable and moral voice he is.

More. Ann Coulter released her new book Demonic, putting forward the thesis that the American left is the party of the mob. With all the hot babes following her lead into the ranks of the commentariat, it’s always good to remember that Coulter backs up her camera-ready looks with whiplash prose, rapier wit and dagger-like insight: a one-woman arsenal of democracy. The book has already rocketed to the top of the Amazon list.snip
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