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Barack Obama, George Soros and the Religious Left


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American Thinker:

Periodically, the professional left and their comrades in the traditional news media highlight religious leaders cheering for President Obama's compassionate statism or denouncing Republicans as sons of the devil. I'm sure we can expect this pattern to become more frequent and more frantic as we approach the 2012 elections.

As Obama's allies on the Religious Left step forward to promote Obama's agenda and build momentum for his 2012 campaign, we should be prepared to expose them for who they really are. In many cases we will discover that these religious leaders are well-compensated hyperpartisan mercenaries whose religious rhetoric is merely a threadbare cloak for their core values -- values that have no basis in traditional religion or biblically-based teachings.

Over the weekend, Think Progress provided a megaphone for their brothers and sisters of the Church of George Soros:
Four members affiliated with the religious group Faith In Public Life held a brief press conference during FFC's afternoon intermission to denounce the GOP's adherence to the philosophies of anti-government, anti-religion author Ayn Rand. The leaders -- Rev. Jennifer Butler, Jim Wallis, Rev. Derrick Harkins, and Father Clete Kiley -- asserted that the GOP efforts to cut funding from many anti-poverty programs while balancing the budget on the backs of the poorest Americans were not in line with Christian values...

So who are these "religious" leaders, and what is this organization, Faith in Public Life? snip
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Very much what we on the right side of life have said for many years. Excellent article.


So good to see all the names and connections in print. muckety.com will be proud.


Btw, these same "Christians" and "Jews" are people who promote every "social justice" cause possible and every liberal cultural more of mankind but are actually the enemies of Israel and even worse enemies of the revealed Truth of the Gospel as identified and clearly proclaimed in the supernaturally inspired written Word. Sadly they never get off the left side of the cross in their understanding. They turn Christianity into a powerless "religion" of a universal multi ethnic savior who was crucified for the world's poor and oppressed. They never mention the Bible except when its individual statements line up with their decidedly liberal, secular world view.


"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him." Hebrews 11:6

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