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Sarah Palin emails provide no big bombshells


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Reporters lined up in Juneau and in front of computers across the country spent the afternoon poring over 24,000 newly released emails from Sarah Palin’s first year and a half as governor, hoping for a bombshell.

But none immediately emerged.

Many of the emails deal with the mundane business of government. Others show her corresponding with aides, admirers and members of her administration about everything from her views on dinosaurs to fisheries policy.

They show her acknowledging encouraging notes from constituents who hope John McCain will pick her as the running mate, as well as startlingly nasty hate mail and death threats. Palin herself is intensively involved in dealing with the press, monitoring her image and complaining about unfair treatment long before she became a national figure known for diatribes against the “lamestream media.”

Her tight-knight gubernatorial staff was put on the defensive when she was picked for the 2008 GOP ticket and national reporters swarmed the surprise new political celebrity, the emails show. There’s even an unsolicited note from Newt Gingrich among the flurry of email traffic between Palin and her advisers looking for ways to respond to the media inquiries that ran from the comprehensive to the unusual.

In a Sept. 15 email to Palin, her spokesman, Bill McAllister, relayed questions about who paid for the tanning bed in the governor’s house; “Is it your belief that dinosaurs and humans co-existed at one time?”; and “Do you have a favorite poem?”

McAllister seems to suggest that the answer to the second question might be “yes,” based on the Bible. “There is an interesting reference to ‘Behemoth’ in the Old Testament,” he writes.

Palin replied the same day with exasperation.

“I am so sorry that the office is swamped like this! Dinosaurs even?!” she wrote. “I’ll try to run through some of these in my head before responding. And the old, used tanning bed that my girls have used handful of times in Juneau? Yes, we paid for it ourselves. I, too, will continue to be dismayed at the media and am thankful you and Sharon [Leighow, the deputy communications director] are not part of the stange (sic) going’s-on in the media world of today.”

Palin’s office also sought to respond to more serious requests.

In response to a Washington Post reporter’s inquiry about her travel expenses, Michael Nizich, Palin’s chief of staff, offered talking points aimed at showing a favorable contrast between Palin and her predecessor as Alaska governor, Frank Murkowski.

Bullet points included “Governor Palin does not travel with an entourage” and “Governor Palin prefers to drive herself – no chauffeur,” as well as outlining ways they had saved the state money by reducing her security detail.

The team’s frustration and a bit of paranoia were evident in a Sept. 13 email from McAllister.

The New York Times, he reported to Palin, had called the day before. “It seemed like a trap; he bypassed the press office at first,” McAllister wrote. “Wasn’t sure what I could say, anyway. If I am going to respond to everything, I need more guidance.”

Though the emails show Palin complaining about the media, they also show her proactively anticipating inquiries on matters of substance.

She actually did her job as governor? She actually drove her own car? Oh noze! The horror!

As for paranoia, she's not the one digging through other people's trash, is she?
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What a crazy surreal universe we inhabit.

Btw, tonight on O'Reilly -Trump insinuated the ONE thing we do not need in 2012- A THIRD PARTY.

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The lefties are looking for


- Any kind of racist comment

- Proof that Todd was actually making all the decisions

- Use of office for personal gain

- Use of office for political or personal retaliation

- Any kind of "idiot" comment, which of course they think she makes 24/7

- Anything else which can be made into a scandal

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The lefties are looking for


- Anything else which can be made into a scandal


Not that they will let a little thing that one may not be there stop them.

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Well, the big question and one we have all been asking for the last 3 years is:

"IF she is so dumb and crooked and blah blah then WHY is the LEFT which has set out to destroy her worse than anyone in recent times (except maybe W )

so scared/absolutely terrified of her!!


Anyway Rush (whose judgment is usually right on) says she is the one to beat (for them) IF she runs.


I only voted for McCain because of her and though now she might or might not be my number 1 choice I am fast becoming a revived fan of hers in backlash to this left/DemoRAT onslaught of negativity.

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Well, the big question and one we have all been asking for the last 3 years is:

"IF she is so dumb and crooked and blah blah then WHY is the LEFT which has set out to destroy her worse than anyone in recent times (except maybe W )

so scared/absolutely terrified of her!!





If Sarah Palin says something and Bill Maher doesn't hear about it...she she still wrong?

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