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Democrats targeting Paul Ryan in 2012


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Daily Caller:

Democrats haven’t fielded a competitive opponent against Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan in years.

But now, as they are trying to paint the rising GOP star as a bogeyman because of his plan to overhaul Medicare, an effort is being made by Democrats to run a serious challenger against him in 2012.

Cue Rob Zerban, a Democrat Kenosha County Board supervisor running for the seat, who summed up his campaign message in Milwaukee this weekend: “My opponent not only endorses the plan to end Medicare. He wrote the plan.”

In an attempt to alienate Paul from seniors, Zerban has launched a website called “Hands Of My Grandma.com.”

Ryan’s “Path to Prosperity” plan would revamp Medicare, allowing seniors to use a “premium support” system to purchase health care in a private market. The Wisconsin congressman has said Medicare is on the verge of collapse, is unsustainable and will vanish if nothing is done to it.snip
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