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Weiner to address media at 4 p.m. ET; Report: Weiner won’t resign


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Allahpundit at Hot Air:

Weiner to address media at 4 p.m. ET; Report: Weiner won’t resign; Update: Breitbart takes over Weiner presser; Update: Weiner admits to sending photo, not resigning; Update: Apologizes to Breitbart; Update: Woman who received Weiner pics speaks to ABC

posted at 3:32 pm on June 6, 2011 by Allahpundit

I’d like to tell you that you can watch live on the cable news net of your choice, but the big three have kept their distance from the story thus far today — including Fox News, which was told by Roger Ailes to “move on” unless there were new developments. A live presser possibly announcing his resignation from Congress would qualify as a new development, but given how fearless (some) CNN reporters were in confronting Weiner about the original pic, they’re probably your best bet.

Most people on Twitter think he’ll resign. I don’t. He’s too ambitious to fall on his sword this early, too arrogant to believe he can’t survive it, and too beloved by the left not to think they’ll rally behind him if he refuses to bow before the Evil Wingnuts. As Matt Yglesias recently noted, plenty of politicians have survived sex scandals and thrived afterwards; the key is simply to hang in there, endure a week or two of humiliation, and hope your partisan pals come to your aid. The one hitch for Weiner is that there could be tons more pics, sexts, and e-mails still out there and waiting to surface. If he hangs on, he invites more revelations. In fact, as I write this, ABC is apparently getting ready to broadcast an interview with the woman who received the bare-chested pics of Weiner. If he lies low for, say, a month, maybe he can hang on. That’s how I’m going to bet — that he walks out there a half hour for now, admits to “lapses in judgment,” and asks for privacy while he seeks “counseling” and tries to rebuild his marriage.
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Mediaite has the video of Andrew Breitbart answering questions before Congressman Weiner arrived. That is here.

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I'm sorry, but remind me why progressive congressmen think they are smarter than everyone else? Really?



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I did not realize he was married.


She is Hillary's much sought after assistant. She beautiful and competent and amazing by all accounts. That could be, of course, amazing in the same way that say, Michelle's arms are amazing.


Anyone stupid enough to be married by Bill Clinton....(and I'm speaking for her)...probably can't be too naive. Or maybe that is the ultimate in naivete. Who knows.


What a strange, strange place Washington is. Creepy strange.

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They've only been married for a year. If I were she, I would take a sabbatical from my marriage and think things through. But that's just me....

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They've only been married for a year. If I were she, I would take a sabbatical from my marriage and think things through. But that's just me....


I agree. It's almost unimagnable to me that a guy can't even be bothered to be faithful for the first year.


This would be between him and his wife, btw, if it did not involve something he did IN PUBLIC and then LIED about it.


Once again, it is the lie and the blame shifting that takes him out, not the act itself. Honestly, he should have just come clean in the first place and as distasteful as all of this is...it might actually have blown over.

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This is what comes of situational morality....a hallmark of ego driven politico's. Kennedy, the "Lyin" of the Senate, Slick Willie, Edwards & the Governator. Lib's won't fold, even if they're under indictment......but.....but....it's my private life....I don't lie when I'm representing my constituency. Guilty only if caught.


My question:


Did Breitbart's "Kanye moment" compel Weiner's "come-to-Jesus" [Jews can come to Jesus, can't they?] or was Weinerman going to go for "extended & prolific" blame-storming?

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Update: Apologizes to Breitbart


Update: A reporter asks whether he can say that Breitbart’s claim of having an as-yet-unrevealed explicit photo is false. Weiner: No, I can’t say that that’s false.


Update: Asked whether he wants to apologize to Breitbart, who was attacked by the left for supposedly framing him with the underwear pic, Weiner says only that he apologizes to everyone in the media.

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They've only been married for a year. If I were she, I would take a sabbatical from my marriage and think things through. But that's just me....


I agree. It's almost unimagnable to me that a guy can't even be bothered to be faithful for the first year.


This would be between him and his wife, btw, if it did not involve something he did IN PUBLIC and then LIED about it.


Once again, it is the lie and the blame shifting that takes him out, not the act itself. Honestly, he should have just come clean in the first place and as distasteful as all of this is...it might actually have blown over.


I had a friend who was getting married and on her wedding night walked in on her would be husband making out with another woman. Yet, she still married him!? :blink:


The marriage was over within a year...

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