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Losing Egypt?


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Barack Obama said tonight in his speech to the world about the clusterbuck in egypt: "The passion and dignity demonstrated by the people of Egypt has been an inspiration"... He says young protesters will reach their destiny.


The next person to tell me that Obama is not a Muslim... I'm punching them right in the face.



Pack a lunch...and bring you bigboy pads...you're gonna need em.




If these protests/demonstrations don't inspire you, I don't know what would.



Quite right. Obama is an atheist, or agnostic, at best. But he IS a Moslem sympathizer due to his family background.



I am of the opinion that the only thing he sympathizes with is himself. Any display of sympathy/support for Muslims (particularly those who say one man one vote one time) comes from the fact he is a man of the hard left, where this is seen not so much as support for the (radicals?)Muslims as much as it is anti-western/anti-America. The west and America are of course the fount of all that is evil in the world today....and we just need to go away, so the devolving peoples can then tread lightly on our mother the earth. See Avatar!



I like & agree with much of what you said, except I think he fantasizes that he is the "Secret Muslim Marauder" and would willingly give away America, in exchange for his "bonafides" with those that practice his "father's" religion. Perhaps he doesn't know that his father might be Frank Davis........and yet he's still there with his communist bent.


As regards Americans:


Some will smile and allow things to head to "all-things-sharia"......some will mutter under their breath how unfair it is, that Dar-al-Harb is now Dar-al-Islam; and wonder how they'll make their "dhimmi" payment.... and some will be ready to die to keep America free. The last group? They're the ones that don't have a nuanced position about Islam & sharia law; that just don't want their progeny to ever have to bow or kneel before 7th century despots. They can also shoot straight.

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Well, in the meantime Anderson Cooper is hunkered down in Cairo unable to turn on the light or look out the window for the sake of his own safety and the drama of being a CNN "journalist."

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If these protests/demonstrations don't inspire you, I don't know what would.



No they don't. So I guess that you wouldn't know what would.

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What is happening in Tunisia, in Egypt, and will soon be happening in Jordan, Yemen Arabia and other countries in the Middle East, is an uprising of Muslims who have no interest in peace or stability, only in the further domination of Islam in this world. After last weeks suicide bombing in the Moscow airport, they are even targeting that nation to dominate!


Since most have been sound asleep, apathetic, or simply bought into the media hype, let me share with you that Islam has been about one thing during its' 1400 year existence...DOMINATION! They are not interested in the secular Muslims who for political purposes want peace and stability. Within the next few days, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak will be gone. In his place will be an agent for true Islam who will immediately end the long time peace treaty with Israel and take a firm anti-American stance, despite the billions we give Egypt annually in aid.


In the background, we have the incompetence of our President. While most may suppose he is supporting Islam in his waffling remarks about Egypt, the fact is he hasn't got a clue what he is doing and is the perfect foil for the rise of a false religion like Islam seeking to take hold in nations around around the globe, including the United States.


shoutNCJIM You are channeling me!

(Must be in the NC water ;))

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I like & agree with much of what you said, except I think he fantasizes that he is the "Secret Muslim Marauder" and would willingly give away America, in exchange for his "bonafides" with those that practice his "father's" religion. Perhaps he doesn't know that his father might be Frank Davis........and yet he's still there with his communist bent.


As regards Americans:


Some will smile and allow things to head to "all-things-sharia"......some will mutter under their breath how unfair it is, that Dar-al-Harb is now Dar-al-Islam; and wonder how they'll make their "dhimmi" payment.... and some will be ready to die to keep America free. The last group? They're the ones that don't have a nuanced position about Islam & sharia law; that just don't want their progeny to ever have to bow or kneel before 7th century despots. They can also shoot straight.






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If these protests/demonstrations don't inspire you, I don't know what would.








If these protests/demonstrations don't inspire you, I don't know what would.


Help me out here.


Valin, is this a serious statement? I will have to ask you to expound, similar to you asking shoutSaltbag earlier.


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Barack Obama said tonight in his speech to the world about the clusterbuck in egypt: "The passion and dignity demonstrated by the people of Egypt has been an inspiration"... He says young protesters will reach their destiny.


The next person to tell me that Obama is not a Muslim... I'm punching them right in the face.



Pack a lunch...and bring you bigboy pads...you're gonna need em.




If these protests/demonstrations don't inspire you, I don't know what would.


I heard an interview with Ralph Peters yesterday that pretty much said the same thing. He said he STRONGLY believes that it is not the Muslim Brotherhood that will be the beneficiary from this. That is not to say that he supports the dithering of this administration...just that our perception of what is happening is based in fear rather than reality.


I'm withholding judgement on it because I don't know enough...but like much of the way we behave today, this is not going to be the instant conclusion and life goes on as normal many of us hope for. This is a huge game changer...and we need to be firm but careful.


And I'll say it out loud too...While Obama has an understanding of Islam due to his upbringing, he is not a muslim. He is a self interested, Christian church when it'll help me, athiest leftist with an interest in community activism. Those are the people who brought him to the dance, and those are the ones he loves.

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If these protests/demonstrations don't inspire you, I don't know what would.



No they don't. So I guess that you wouldn't know what would.



People demonstrating/fighting for their freedom doesn't inspire you? Sad.

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Barack Obama said tonight in his speech to the world about the clusterbuck in egypt: "The passion and dignity demonstrated by the people of Egypt has been an inspiration"... He says young protesters will reach their destiny.


The next person to tell me that Obama is not a Muslim... I'm punching them right in the face.



Pack a lunch...and bring you bigboy pads...you're gonna need em.




If these protests/demonstrations don't inspire you, I don't know what would.


I heard an interview with Ralph Peters yesterday that pretty much said the same thing. He said he STRONGLY believes that it is not the Muslim Brotherhood that will be the beneficiary from this. That is not to say that he supports the dithering of this administration...just that our perception of what is happening is based in fear rather than reality.


I'm withholding judgement on it because I don't know enough...but like much of the way we behave today, this is not going to be the instant conclusion and life goes on as normal many of us hope for. This is a huge game changer...and we need to be firm but careful.


And I'll say it out loud too...While Obama has an understanding of Islam due to his upbringing, he is not a muslim. He is a self interested, Christian church when it'll help me, athiest leftist with an interest in community activism. Those are the people who brought him to the dance, and those are the ones he loves.


A number of years ago I read an article in Parameters where the writer said..."History is not an instant thing...it takes time."


A repost from yesterday....


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shoutValin Well, put me in the sad category.



I am not so quick to come to that conclusion.


If this is the case here, why did the man-child Obama ignore the Green Revolution in Iran in 2009 and 2010? Now that is an easy to case to make about a popular uprising against a tyrannical regime.


This is one city. I don't know what portion of the nation is behind this. Nobody does.


Why does a person with a rock or Molotov cocktail automatically become a freedom fighter?


Obama should have kept his mouth shut and sit back a bit.


He gave a green light to the Muslim Brotherhood. His Cairo speech didn't help either. "I feel your pain."


Meanwhile, on Fox news, Shep Smith has drunk the Kool-aid. He is in tears about the fact that there is only state run tv on.


If these protests/demonstrations don't inspire you, I don't know what would.



No they don't. So I guess that you wouldn't know what would.



People demonstrating/fighting for their freedom doesn't inspire you? Sad.

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shoutPepper! Bump.


What I've heard over the last few days, was that between 40-45% of Egyptians are "quiet conservatives" that are not in the streets, and want "law & order."


The Muslim Brotherhood accounts for around 20% of the Egyptian population. [that is reflected in the Egyptian legislative branch]


Muslim or Christian; Obama panders to what he thinks would be his base. I think shoutPollyannaish or shoutChickadee posted earlier,".......he's a community organizer...."


He identifies with "the struggle," and not who, or what group, would make a logical ally of the United States. He needs the spotlight to gratify his ego.........and he really should have STFU, and insisted that his SOS & the Congress critters that are "reaching out" to the Muslim Brotherhood now.....do the same.


Quiet diplomacy is what is called for regarding Egypt. Statements of support for the people & admonishments to refrain from violence. Obama & his administration have proven: that is clearly not possible for them.




Edited for spelling & punctuation; although I probably have other mistakes, that will become apparent as I save my changes.

Edited by SrWoodchuck
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shoutValin Well, put me in the sad category.



I am not so quick to come to that conclusion.


If this is the case here, why did the man-child Obama ignore the Green Revolution in Iran in 2009 and 2010? Now that is an easy to case to make about a popular uprising against a tyrannical regime.


This is one city. I don't know what portion of the nation is behind this. Nobody does.


Why does a person with a rock or Molotov cocktail automatically become a freedom fighter?


Obama should have kept his mouth shut and sit back a bit.


He gave a green light to the Muslim Brotherhood. His Cairo speech didn't help either. "I feel your pain."


Meanwhile, on Fox news, Shep Smith has drunk the Kool-aid. He is in tears about the fact that there is only state run tv on.


I certainly don't have as much experience as Valin...but I do have my guesses as to why Obama is acting differently in this case and its not because he is Muslim or harbors sympathies. It's because he's inexperienced and unable to apply learning appropriately. He is a the-world-is-black-and-white leftist, without foreign policy principles or even interests and it makes him prone to mistakes. He is a man without nuance. Irony at it's finest. (Sometimes, I think leftist liberals are some of the dumbest people on the planet.)


Obama is one of the most insecure President's I've seen in my lifetime. He got blasted for not supporting the Green Revolution because he was trying to appear 'above the fray' and follow through on his promise to not patronizingly meddle in the affairs of others in the Middle East. This was the leftist explanation of the imperialist Bush years from the beginning. They believe that there wouldn't be any instability in the ME if we weren't meddling and that 9/11 was a result of that meddling (At least the ones that believe the Bush administration didn't do it to ourselves.) Anyway, Iran has been causing Obama problems ever since he took office and he doesn't know what to do now that he was nice to them and they still yell "death to America" which now includes him.


It was a stupid position in the first place, and the president was mugged by reality (much, to be honest, like his predecessor was on 9/11 after suggesting a similar isolationist stance ) and he realized that we do have to be involved and we do have to take sides. So he did. BUT. And this is the big thing, I don't think he and his team know enough about what is really going on to know who and what to support...and so he flounders around like the dilettante that he is trying to figure out what his position is, making the situation more chaotic and ridiculous.


I also think that this has been a long time coming and is not isolated to the Muslim brotherhood...although they are certainly involved.


Ralph Peters said yesterday on the Medved show that we need to be very careful ANYTIME we support dictators because this is always the inevitable outcome. You may have stability for awhile, but eventually that person comes to represent every grievance a society has...especially when that person has been there for more than a generation. He said that it is a great short term strategy, but is doomed to failure every single time. This is a great example of that.


He also went on to explain that we need to stay out of it publicly for the most part right now...and make sure we are back channeling support to the right groups. With a very professional, largely American supplied military if we are cool we will be able to help the right people become democratically elected. The military also has DIRECT back channel ties to the Israeli military which was interesting. (I have no idea how much of an expert he is but I do like how clearly he was able to dissect the situation.)


Peters also had very negative things to say about Obama/Clinton's handling of it so far. The WORST thing we could do is to appear to support a side, because Mubarak is seen now as a US puppet...and that is not a good way for us to help the situation.


Anyway, I strongly believe that Egypt is secular enough that if we are careful about how we support the uprising, we could end up with a BETTER ally in the process. If we dither around supporting Mubarak, that opportunity may pass. But we have to be willing to accept some instability in the short term. Also note, that freedom, if we truly support it is not about us, but about the governed. Sometimes, that's hard to take, imo. (I feel that way every time I think about Nancy Pelosi and SF. Ha!)

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NYT's just Tweeted:


NYT NEWS ALERT: Obama Administration Discussing Plan for Mubarak to Quit Immediately




So obviously, the crisis will end shortly. LOOOOOOOOOOOOl.

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So what that really means is that Obama is setting himself up to take credit for Mubarak quitting immediately! :rolleyes:


I wonder what Obama's exit strategy is. ;)

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So what that really means is that Obama is setting himself up to take credit for Mubarak quitting immediately! :rolleyes:


I wonder what Obama's exit strategy is. ;)


He has so little to take credit for, he'll take anything he can get.

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So what that really means is that Obama is setting himself up to take credit for Mubarak quitting immediately! :rolleyes:


I wonder what Obama's exit strategy is. ;)


He has so little to take credit for, he'll take anything he can get.


Bwahahahahaha! Hey look! I think America's children lost a smidge of a pound. ;)

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So what that really means is that Obama is setting himself up to take credit for Mubarak quitting immediately! :rolleyes:


I wonder what Obama's exit strategy is. ;)


He has so little to take credit for, he'll take anything he can get.




Bwahahahahaha! Hey look! I think America's children lost a smidge of a pound. ;)



Wasn't that Michelle's doing?

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So what that really means is that Obama is setting himself up to take credit for Mubarak quitting immediately! :rolleyes:


I wonder what Obama's exit strategy is. ;)


He has so little to take credit for, he'll take anything he can get.




Bwahahahahaha! Hey look! I think America's children lost a smidge of a pound. ;)



Wasn't that Michelle's doing?


Yeah, but he married her. B)

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So what that really means is that Obama is setting himself up to take credit for Mubarak quitting immediately! :rolleyes:


I wonder what Obama's exit strategy is. ;)


He has so little to take credit for, he'll take anything he can get.




Bwahahahahaha! Hey look! I think America's children lost a smidge of a pound. ;)



Wasn't that Michelle's doing?


Yeah, but he married her. B)


I have no comeback. :)

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If these protests/demonstrations don't inspire you, I don't know what would.



No they don't. So I guess that you wouldn't know what would.



People demonstrating/fighting for their freedom doesn't inspire you? Sad.

No Valin!


That is your opinion. And I don't appreciate your "sad" comment.


I see more in play than just "people fighting for freedom". I know that you think that you're the only one with any worthwhile opinions on the Middle East and Islam... but I don't agree.

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If these protests/demonstrations don't inspire you, I don't know what would.



No they don't. So I guess that you wouldn't know what would.



People demonstrating/fighting for their freedom doesn't inspire you? Sad.

No Valin!


That is your opinion. And I don't appreciate your "sad" comment.


I see more in play than just "people fighting for freedom". I know that you think that you're the only one with any worthwhile opinions on the Middle East and Islam... but I don't agree.


I do? News to me.

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If these protests/demonstrations don't inspire you, I don't know what would.



No they don't. So I guess that you wouldn't know what would.

Not surprising.


People demonstrating/fighting for their freedom doesn't inspire you? Sad.

No Valin!


That is your opinion. And I don't appreciate your "sad" comment.


I see more in play than just "people fighting for freedom". I know that you think that you're the only one with any worthwhile opinions on the Middle East and Islam... but I don't agree.


I do? News to me.

Not surprising.

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