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Director James Cameron calls climate change skeptics ‘swine’


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Report: Director James Cameron calls climate change skeptics ‘swine’
By Ben Geman - 08/23/10 01:36 PM ET
James Cameron, director of the eco-tinged smash film Avatar, on Sunday called global warming skeptics “swine” at a renewable energy conference in Aspen, Colo., according to a news report.

“I think they're swine,” he said at the American Renewable Energy Day Summit, the Aspen Times reported.

Here’s more from their story about Cameron's appearance at the conference:

[...] Cameron and a host of other climate-change activists said there needs to be a broad educational campaign, one aimed at convincing voters and politicians that not being able to prove that fossil fuel-produced carbon is changing the temperature of Earth is not a license for inaction.

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I got this email yesterday from Ann McElhinney, part of the team who produced the documentary "Not Evil, Just Wrong." Mr. Cameron is not just a name caller, he is a tremendous hypocrite.






Last March James Cameron sounded defiant.


The Avatar director was determined to expose journalists, such as myself, who thought it was important to ask questions about climate change orthodoxy and the radical "solutions" being proposed.


Cameron said was itching to debate the issue and show skeptical journalists and scientists that they were wrong.


“I want to call those deniers out into the street at high noon and shoot it out with those boneheads," he said in an interview.


Well, a few weeks ago Mr. Cameron seemed to honor his word.


His representatives contacted myself and two other well known skeptics, Marc Morano of the Climate Depot website and Andrew Breitbart, the new media entrepreneur.


Mr. Cameron was attending the AREDAY environmental conference in Aspen Colorado 19-22 August. He wanted the conference to end with a debate on climate change. Cameron would be flanked with two scientists. It would be 90 minutes long. It would be streamed live on the internet.


They hoped the debate would attract a lot of media coverage.


"We are delighted to have Fox News, Newsmax, The Washington Times and anyone else you'd like. The more the better," one of James Cameron's organizers said in an email.


It looked like James Cameron really was a man of his word who would get to take on the skeptics he felt were so endangering humanity.


Everyone on our side agreed with their conditions. The debate was even listed on the AREDAY agenda.


But then as the debate approached James Cameron's side started changing the rules.


They wanted to change their team. We agreed.


They wanted to change the format to less of a debate—to "a roundtable". We agreed.


Then they wanted to ban our cameras from the debate. We could have access to their footage. We agreed.


Bizarrely, for a brief while, the worlds most successful film maker suggested that no cameras should be allowed-that sound only should be recorded. We agreed


Then finally James Cameron, who so publicly announced that he "wanted to call those deniers out into the street at high noon and shoot it out," decided to ban the media from the shoot out.


He even wanted to ban the public. The debate/roundtable would only be open to those who attended the conference.


No media would be allowed and there would be no streaming on the internet. No one would be allowed to record it in any way.


We all agreed to that.


And then, yesterday, just one day before the debate, his representatives sent an email that Mr. "shoot it out " Cameron no longer wanted to take part. The debate was cancelled.


James Cameron's behavior raises some very important questions.


Does he genuinely believe in man made climate change? If he believes it is a danger to humanity surely he should be debating the issue every chance he gets ?


Or is it just a pose?


The man who called for an open and public debate at "high noon" suddenly doesn't want his policies open to serious scrutiny.


I was looking forward to debating with the film maker. I was looking forward to finding out where we agreed and disagreed and finding a way forward that would help the poorest people in the developing and developed world.


But that is not going to happen because somewhere along the way James Cameron, a great film maker, has moved from King of the World to being King of the Hypocrites.


- Ann McElhinney

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Reminds me of Bill Maher being called on the carpet by George Will to find out that he doesn't know what the H he's talking about. Maybe they were afraid of being humiliated, which would have probably been the case.

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Reminds me of Bill Maher being called on the carpet by George Will to find out that he doesn't know what the H he's talking about. Maybe they were afraid of being humiliated, which would have probably been the case.


SOP for liberals: call for showdown, then beg out at the last minute, when they're about to get shelled with facts and reality. Maher and Cameron are just the latest examples of the hypocricy of the left.

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Perhaps he had swine-flu?


He has a gargantuan, self-sustaining ego.


Based on his/their poor credibility, and penchant for wanting plenty of everyone else's money to fix their perceived climate catastrophe; my question is: If skeptics are swine, might he be a swine rapist?

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James Cameron, director of the eco-tinged smash film Avatar, on Sunday called global warming skeptics “swine” at a renewable energy conference in Aspen, Colo., according to a news report.


Yet one more example of the tolerance for others we've to expect from the left.

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Cameron hasn't made a good movie since Terminator 2, although True Lies is okay. (Many may not realize, that T1 and T2 are anti-nuclear movies, with T1 made in response to President Reagan standing up to the Soviets.)


Every since Titanic, he's become more and more of a self important ass.


I will give him credit for his film on battleship Bismarck, but its not a movie.

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Update on ongoing controversy over why the debate was cancelled.



I think it's very clear that they are not looking for a debate.



There's something about this that surprises you?


Not really. Just ammunition in case my left-leaning friends have a different set of facts. ;)


I assume you're referring to your next meeting with them, before which, they'll go to DUh for their latest propaganda fix. B)

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I assume you're referring to your next meeting with them, before which, they'll go to DUh for their latest propaganda fix. B)



Ha! Unfortunately, they're fancy liberals...they prefer reading The Nation and Paul Krugman books. Doesn't make them any better informed necessarily, just harder to argue with. (I can't read the nation without my blood pressure going up. I'm sure they feel that way about IBD. :D)

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