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Paul Krugman is a Liar: Does the New York Times Care?


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American Thinker:

Paul Krugman is a Liar: Does the New York Times Care?
By Richard Baehr

Paul Krugman's New York Times column for August 23 on extending the Bush tax cuts is not merely misleading, it is an outright and deliberate fabrication. For more than a decade Krugman has been writing two columns a week for the New York Times opinion pages. Opinion pieces are designed to express a point of view, but the argument is supposed to be supported by facts.

Krugman is a Princeton economics professor who won a Nobel Prize in Economics. So the alternative explanation for Krugman's column today -- that he is just stupid, and very bad with numbers would seem to be far less likely than that he lies in order to deliberately mislead Times readers and the general public.

Krugman never liked the Bush tax cuts of 2001. The economy was in recession at the time the cuts were passed, and Krugman, who is a Keynesean, generally supports lots of stimulus to address weak economies. However, he prefers massive injections of government spending to tax cuts, and if tax cuts are a part of any stimulus package, he thinks the cuts should not include any tax reductions for wealthy people. The Bush tax cuts included cuts for all taxpayers, and were set to expire at the end of 2010. snip
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