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Sarah Palin and the rise of the Feminist Right


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Washington Examiner:

Dana Loesch: Sarah Palin and the rise of the Feminist Right
By: Dana Loesch
OpEd Contributor
August 22, 2010

Liberal women have their panties in a bunch over the media's recent characterization of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as a "feminist."

You see, that job is patented by liberal feminists who, for the past 30 or so years, have turned the term for "belief and advocacy in and for equality between the sexes" into a vote-manipulating, moneymaking shtick of an oxymoron. They get upset whenever anyone attempts to co-opt the unofficial trademark of the female left and dilute their commodity.

Popularly defined feminism is no longer about liberating women from the patriarchy but about beholding them to a political party whose policies clearly affect women negatively.

This past month, liberal feminists made more hay made over Palin's "mama grizzlies" talk than the matter of the Food and Drug Administration jerking Avastin off the market. Avastin is a drug used to treat late-stage breast cancer and has been shown to extend the life of some breast cancer patients by five months, but was deemed "cost-prohibitive" by the government.

Emily's List cared enough about women to make a video criticizing Palin, but apparently not enough about breast cancer patients to make a video criticizing the FDA's move.snip
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