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America — Compared to What?


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Pajamas Media:

America — Compared to What?

While America debates whether a “bridge-building” Imam Rauf should erect his $100-million, 13-story outreach “Islamic complex” (is the name “Cordoba House” now officially to be dropped? And if so, could Mr. Rauf or the media explain why?) next to Ground Zero, Islam seems to be at war with most of the rest of the world, or perhaps vice versa.

Not So Nice Elsewhere

Time magazine has a rare essay on the brutal Russian response to Islamic-driven terror. Apparently, 3,000 “suspects” have disappeared since 2000. Tens of thousands of others were killed in the Chechnyan wars. There are only three mosques allowed in Moscow. In short, Putin is leading a right-wing, nationalist effort in what might be charitably called a genocidal war against Islam — brought on either by Chechnyan-inspired terrorism, Russian social injustice, or both, or neither. We don’t care much; I suppose our elites would say they expect as much over there.snip
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Unlike the professor or correspondent who makes his money by often going abroad and so wants to be liked by the envious (that makes cappuccino time far easier), the farmer, welder, and clerk don’t much care, at least in comparison to financing the boat, getting a rug, or ensuring that at least one kid somehow makes it through college. Do you wish to get a Frenchman, Greek, Mexican or Iranian angry? (I know, I’ve done it.) Then simply in the midst of his normal dressing down of America, meekly reply, “Well, er, I don’t think Americans much like your country either.” Anguish, shock, real hurt all follow — as in “How could you be so cruel to say that?”


I've torn more than one liberal down with the same argument over the GOP and RATS... B)

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Pajamas Media:


America — Compared to What?


While America debates whether a “bridge-building” Imam Rauf should erect his $100-million, 13-story outreach “Islamic complex” (is the name “Cordoba House” now officially to be dropped? And if so, could Mr. Rauf or the media explain why?) next to Ground Zero, Islam seems to be at war with most of the rest of the world, or perhaps vice versa.


Not So Nice Elsewhere


Time magazine has a rare essay on the brutal Russian response to Islamic-driven terror. Apparently, 3,000 “suspects” have disappeared since 2000. Tens of thousands of others were killed in the Chechnyan wars. There are only three mosques allowed in Moscow. In short, Putin is leading a right-wing, nationalist effort in what might be charitably called a genocidal war against Islam — brought on either by Chechnyan-inspired terrorism, Russian social injustice, or both, or neither. We don’t care much; I suppose our elites would say they expect as much over there.snip

THE BEST I've seen in a long time!

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Victor seems to write very well. Secular Muslims may be moderate enough to live peacefully here in the US, but for a main stream Imam Rauf "moderate" I don't think anything less than Sharia law will suffice, and that's not compatible with our Constitution.


I'm reminded of the movie "Conan the Barbarian" and Arnold's antagonist, James Earl Jones [as crazed Sulce Doom?], when he tells Conan, "Steel is not strong my son....flesh....flesh is much stronger..." and then signals for a young girl to throw herself from a great height.....and then, to Conan, ".....contemplate this on the Tree of Woe!" as he has him crucified.


They'll happily die in Russia, in A-Stan, and you'd better believe they'll die here in America. They'll just use taqqiya & our own laws & "tolerance", until.....other means are necessary.


I truly believe there are Muslims that want to live in peace, but until they stand up, speak out & change their belief in the "Abrogation" of Mohammad's later, more brutal hadiths & commands in the Quran....we have to take them at the face value of their actions.

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