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Canada’s Immigration Debate


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Canada’s Immigration Debate
by Rachel Marsden

A ship carrying 492 Tamil refugees from Sri Lanka has docked on Canada’s West Coast, prompting Conservative Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, to reiterate: “We will not hesitate to strengthen the laws if we have to because, ultimately, as a government, as a fundamental exercise of our sovereignty, we are responsible for the security of our borders."
Makes sense, right? Seems pretty innocuous? Wrong. Apparently the state can never be too soft on immigration—making such common-sense statements way too harsh.

Canada has always welcomed refugees—which represent nearly 10% of total annual immigration.

It has rightfully done so on a case-by-case basis of merit, not as a crash landing by entire mobs hailing from known terrorist and criminal havens. Not to say that the people aboard this latest ship of mass refugees (with more likely on the way) are terrorists, but refugee status in Canada currently permits any of them to roam free within Canada while they’re being processed.snip
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