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Potential challenger has some frightening words for Daley


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Chicago Tribune:

John Kass
August 21, 2010

Ald. Scott Waguespack, 32nd, has two terrifying words for Mayor Richard Daley:

Forensic Audit.

It may not sound sexy. But having former IRS agents go through two decades worth of insider political deals and revealing it all to a tax base of voters that has been bled dry is something Daley and his boys would hate.

After spending months pointing out the corruption and waste of taxpayer dollars at City Hall —including that ridiculous parking meter deal that may have sparked a revolution — Waguespack, 40, is thinking about challenging Daley for mayor.snip
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It's about time somebody took on the Daley organization. I wonder if Obambi will wander into this fray. Maybe he can get Jeremiah Wright to offer to mediate this dust-up between Daley and the Feds... :lol:

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It's hard to imagine what a legitimate 'forensic audit' would reveal... and whom it would implicate in addition to Daley.


The hidden abuse of power and corruption of Daley and his machine would be staggering if fully exposed.


One of the most amazing stunts of Daley was done out in the open... when he got his union thugs friends and their private "construction" (destruction) companies to sneak in at night and destroy Megs Field by bulldozing the runways.






In 1994, Daley announced plans to close the airport and build a park in its place on Northerly Island. Northerly Island where the airport was located was owned by the Chicago Park District, which refused to renew the airport lease in 1996.[5] The city briefly closed the airport from the expiration of the lease in October 1996 through February 1997 when pressure from the state legislature persuaded them to reopen the airport.[6]


In 2001, a compromise was reached between Chicago, the State of Illinois, and others to keep the airport open for the next twenty-five years. However, the federal legislation component of the deal did not pass the United States Senate. In a controversial move on March 31, 2003, Mayor Daley ordered private crews to destroy the runway in the middle of the night, bulldozing large X-shaped gouges into the runway surface.[7] The required notice was not given to the Federal Aviation Administration or the owners of airplanes tied down at the field, and as a result sixteen planes were left stranded at an airport with no operating runway, and an incoming flight was diverted. The stranded aircraft were later allowed to depart from Meigs' 3,000-foot (910 m) taxiway.[8]


Mayor Daley defended his actions, described as "appalling" by general aviation interest groups, by claiming it would save the City of Chicago the effort of further court battles before the airport could close.

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I hope Alderman Scott Waguespack has invested in some quality body armor....methinks he will need it. The spirit of Al Capone lives on in Chicago politics.

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