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The Morning Whip-Up


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We know it’s August and all, but did our Democrat compatriots really expect this one to slip by us? Remember that whole “cost” argument for ObamaCare? No big deal if you don’t—it’s not like it was a central argument for passing the law… According to Politico’s Ben Smith, “key White House allies” are “abandoning claims that it will reduce costs and deficit, and instead stressing a promise to ‘improve it.’” Smith obtained a PowerPoint presentation produced by FamilyUSA, a group that was instrumental in pushing the health care overhaul. “The presentation also concedes that the fiscal and economic arguments that were the White House's first and most aggressive sales pitch have essentially failed. ‘ Many don’t believe health care reform will help the economy,’ says one slide.” Thanks for the heads up on that one! In a textbook non-response, the White House made no effort no refute the PowerPoint when asked to respond. It’s not(sic) wonder why 56% of Americans disapprove of the law, according to a new CNN/Opinion Research Survey.



Now on to the news…


Don't know why, but the link goes to the 8/17/10 blog. When you go there, click on 'blog' in the site's header and it will go to current day.

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