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Opposition to Afghanistan conflict not just a liberal issue anymore


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The Hill:

Opposition to Afghanistan conflict not just a liberal issue anymore
By Sean J. Miller - 08/20/10 06:00 AM ET

Opposition to the war in Afghanistan, once a mainstay of liberals, is no longer a partisan campaign issue.

A majority of voters want the conflict to end quickly – no matter their party affiliation, according to recent polls.

And Senate candidates on both sides of the aisle say they support that goal.

Prominent liberal activists, reacting to President Obama’s plan to move 30,000 troops into the region, warned late last year the surge could cause Democrats to stay home in the midterm election.

Now the issue is spreading across the political spectrum as the last of the surge prepares to move into place – just after Obama ordered the remaining U.S. combat troops out of Iraq.

Already this summer, American forces in Afghanistan suffered back-to-back record casualties and voters are starting to take notice.

A record number of respondents in the latest CNN poll, 62 percent, said they opposed the war there.

“I see some war fatigue back home,” said Rep. Brad Ellsworth (D-Ind.), who’s running for Senate. “There’s a point where we have to say that the Afghan Army is trained up. There has to be a point where we say it’s time to start withdrawing, taking the training wheels off.”snip
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Afghanistan is the new Iraq.


After almost 9 years, it's understandable that people are getting weary of Afghanistan, Hell I am. But give Patreaus the time and the troops to stabilize the situation, because the last thing we want to do is pull out and let the Taliban and al Qaeda back in to take charge.

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