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Federal Appeals Court Rules Against Utah Memorial Crosses Along Highway


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Fox News:

SALT LAKE CITY -- The 14 crosses erected along Utah roads to commemorate fallen state Highway Patrol troopers convey a state preference for Christianity and are a violation of the U.S. Constitution, a federal appeals court said Wednesday.

The ruling reverses a 2007 decision by a federal district judge that said the crosses communicate a secular message about deaths and were not a public endorsement of religion. It's the latest in a recent rash of mixed-bag rulings on the public use of crosses.

A three-judge panel from Denver's 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said in its 38-page ruling that a "reasonable observer" would conclude that the state and the Utah Highway Patrol were endorsing Christianity with the cross memorials.

"This may lead the reasonable observer to fear that Christians are likely to receive preferential treatment from the UHP," the justices wrote.snip
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"Unlike Christmas, which has been widely embraced as a secular holiday ... there is no evidence in this case that the cross has been widely embraced by non-Christians as a secular symbol of death," they said.

And where is this all headed. How long will it take for a mandate from the courts to come down that will require all the crosses, at say at Arlington National Cemetery, to be replaced with some other symbol of "death"?

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"Unlike Christmas, which has been widely embraced as a secular holiday ... there is no evidence in this case that the cross has been widely embraced by non-Christians as a secular symbol of death," they said.

And where is this all headed. How long will it take for a mandate from the courts to come down that will require all the crosses, at say at Arlington National Cemetery, to be replaced with some other symbol of "death"?


I guess it doesn't matter that the Troopers that are honored by the 14 crosses were all Christians. Seems that the debate over religious tolerance is limited to the observance of all religions except Christianity.

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