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Islamic Center Backers Won't Rule Out Taking Funds from Saudi Arabia, Iran


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story?id=11429998ABC News:


The developers behind the Islamic center planned for a site near Ground Zero won't rule out accepting financing from the Mideast -- including from Saudi Arabia and Iran -- as they begin searching for $100 million needed to build the project.


Linda Rivera holds up a sign in protest of mosque construction near Ground Zero during NYC's Landmarks Commission vote over 45-47 Park Place on August 03, 2010 in New York City.

(Michael Nagle/Getty Images)The religious organization and the development company behind the center declined to say how much of the $100 million needed to build the facility has already been raised.


"We are in the planning stages," said Oz Sultan, spokesman for the center now called Park51. "We have just started the process of fundraising planning."


Sultan said it would take three to six months to establish a plan on how to raise the needed capital. He said any fundraising campaign would begin domestically, but he would not comment on whether it would extend overseas or to foreign governments.


"We'll look at all available options within the United States to start. We're hoping to fund this predominately from domestic donors. That can be everything from institutions all the way down to personal [contributors,]" said Sultan.


When asked if they would then turn to foreign donors, Sultan replied, "I can't comment on that."


Pressed on whether the developers were willilng rule out accepting donations from the governments of Saudi Arabia or Iran, he repeated, "I can't comment on that."


The center, in the works for over a year, has become a nationwide controversy as the anniversary of 9/11 approaches. Critics charge that having what they call a mosque so close what they consider hallowed ground is insensitive and an insult to the victims' families, especially since the attack was perpetrated in the name of Islam.


Fifteen of the 19 terrorists were Saudi Arabian and funding from that country could further anger those already opposed to the mosque. Many mosques in the U.S. have been funded in part with Saudi money.


Iran has been designated a sponsor of terrorism by the U.S. government.snip




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At least they're now being honest on where they plan on getting the cash for this fiasco. I still wonder if they'll have to import a construction crew, because, like Bill O'Reilly, I don't think they'll find construction companies from NY, NJ, PA or CT that will take this job.

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At least they're now being honest on where they plan on getting the cash for this fiasco. I still wonder if they'll have to import a construction crew, because, like Bill O'Reilly, I don't think they'll find construction companies from NY, NJ, PA or CT that will take this job.

No one in the United States will take this job.

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At least they're now being honest on where they plan on getting the cash for this fiasco. I still wonder if they'll have to import a construction crew, because, like Bill O'Reilly, I don't think they'll find construction companies from NY, NJ, PA or CT that will take this job.

No one in the United States will take this job.


Agreed, which is why I'm wondering how they'll get a construction crew from Iran past ICE once the GOP takes the House and possibly the Senate in November, because once they're in there, Obambi can forget about getting green cards for these clowns. Their home district members would lynch them if the GOP rolled over on this one. All I can wonder is "What were Obambi and Pelosi thinking?!" when they stepped in this pile of crap?

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