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Obama Administration Spending $63 Billion on ‘Woman-Centered’ Global Health Care Program


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Obama Administration Spending $63 Billion on ‘Woman-Centered’ Global Health Care Program
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
By Matt Cover, Staff Writer

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton outlines the Obama administration's Global Health Initiative at Johns Hopkins University on Monday, August 16, 2010. (Photo from Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies Web site)
(CNSNews.com) – The Obama administration is focused not just on health-care reform in the United States – but also on improving health care systems around the world, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced on Monday.

The new plan has a “woman- and girl-centered approach,” according to an administration fact sheet.

Speaking at Johns Hopkins University, Clinton outlined the six-year, $63-billion Obama administration initiative to bring global health care services “to more people in more places.” The administration’s Global Health Initiative has “everything” to do with foreign policy, she said.

“This is a signature of American leadership in the world today, Clinton said. “ It’s also an issue very close to my own heart.” snip
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Yeah. That's always a good idea. Give money to your neighbors so you look all fancy...when your own house is falling down on the inside.


This kind of stuff makes me so frustrated!

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It's come down to this, the GOP nominee in 2012 can now officially proclaim that 'The Chosen One' is totally insane, and he/she can say the same thing about Her Heinousness.

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