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White House Directive: Erect Signs at All Stimulus Projects as ‘Symbol of President Obama’s Commitment to American People’


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White House Directive: Erect Signs at All Stimulus Projects as ‘Symbol of President Obama’s Commitment to American People’
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
By Fred Lucas, Staff Writer

This is one of the suggested templates for a sign promoting the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) that the Department of Housing and Urban Development encouraged federal contractors to post at job sites after the Obama White House issued a directive saying that all ARRA job sites should post signs as "a symbol of President Obama’s commitment to the American People." (Image is from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.)
(CNSNews.com) - Federal contractors receiving money for projects funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)—the $862 billion economic stimulus law President Barack Obama signed in February 2009—have been encouraged and, in some cases, required by the administration to post signs that say their work is funded by that specific act.

Some congressional Republicans are calling the signs propaganda for the administration and questioning their cost.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development recommended one model sign that included these words: “Funded By: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act/ Barack Obama, President.”

The law itself does not require the signs. The program sprung from a March 2009 directive issued by the Office of Management and Budget in the Obama White House.

“Projects funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) will bear a newly-designed emblem,” said the OMB directive. “The emblem is a symbol of President Obama’s commitment to the American People to invest their tax dollars wisely to put Americans back to work.”

“All projects which are funded by the ARRA should display signage that features the Primary Emblem throughout the construction phase,” said the directive. “The signage should be displayed in a prominent location on site. Some exclusions may apply. The Primary Emblem can also be displayed on signs at events or conferences associated with the ARRA or the individual projects funded by the ARRA. The Primary Emblem should not be displayed at a size less than 6 inches in diameter.snip
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Oh, it's all too real. He's still trying to take credit for a bad idea(aka 'the stimulus'). Excpect even more of this idiocy next year when he gears up for reelecton.

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I mentioned on the Porch that this weekend when taking the train to Chicago that there were signs on the train saying that the HVAC systems had been refurbished by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

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This can't be real....




Oh, it's real, alright. And to be expected from the first president that was literally marketed as a product more than a candidate. What other candidate for any office in this country has ever had a copyright protected, registered trademark campaign logo?


The Ego in Chief continues the narcisist pogrom against the American society, propagandizing on a scale not seen since Stalin and Mao.


I hope the polling trend continues and his popularity numbers keep falling. With someone this invested in the perception of his own greatness, it is not inconceivable that he might resign if the numbers get bad enough.

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