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Poll: D.C. elites rate Congress higher


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Elites in Washington have a much higher opinion of Congress and are less likely to have their votes swayed by recent ethics scandals than the rest of the nation, according to a new POLITICO poll released Monday.

While those involved in the political and policy-making process in the nation’s capital didn’t give Congress a rave review, the 24 percent who gave the body either an “A” or “B” was more than twice the percentage of all Americans who were asked the same question.

Asked to grade the “overall efforts” of the current Congress, only 11 percent of all Americans gave the institution an “A” or “B.” Thirty-two percent gave Congress a “C,” while 23 graded its performance as a “D.” Twenty-seven percent gave Congress an “F.”

Like other Americans, 33 percent of D.C. elites gave Congress a “C” and 23 percent gave it a “D.” But only 20 percent of Washington gave Congress a failing grade, 7 percentage points less than the rest of the country.

“When it comes to Congress, the voters are tough graders — almost no Americans give this Congress an ‘A’ or a ‘B’ despite the passage of landmark legislation,” said Mark Penn, CEO of the polling firm Penn Schoen Berland, which conducted the online survey for POLITICO.

“The voters question whether the bills that Congress did pass are helping to solve the big problems they are facing in their daily lives,” said Penn, the former pollster for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 Democratic campaign for president.

Congress knows who its friends are. And it's not the American people...
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"Gosh we sure are wonderful!"

DC Elite


Well I'm off to go cling to my Bible and Gun


I'm with you, Valin!



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"Gosh we sure are wonderful!"

DC Elite



Well I'm off to go cling to my Bible and Gun


I'm planning on loading up on guns, before this clown in the WH tries to repeal the 2nd Amendment, because if somehow he gets reelected in 2012, you can bet that's going to be on his 'to do list' of things to destroy this country. I was going to rejoin the NRA next month, but after they endorsed Harry Reid(Charlton Heston must be spinning in his grave), I'm not giving them a dime. I think I'll give my money to GOA instead.

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"Gosh we sure are wonderful!"

DC Elite



Well I'm off to go cling to my Bible and Gun


I'm planning on loading up on guns, before this clown in the WH tries to repeal the 2nd Amendment, because if somehow he gets reelected in 2012, you can bet that's going to be on his 'to do list' of things to destroy this country. I was going to rejoin the NRA next month, but after they endorsed Harry Reid(?) or some other RAT(Charlton Heston must be spinning in his grave), I'm not giving them a dime. I think I'll give my money to GOA instead.

Ace! Most states have fine gun owner groups, give locally. I agree on the NRA, I didn't re-up because of their PCFU.

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"Gosh we sure are wonderful!"

DC Elite



Well I'm off to go cling to my Bible and Gun


I'm planning on loading up on guns, before this clown in the WH tries to repeal the 2nd Amendment, because if somehow he gets reelected in 2012, you can bet that's going to be on his 'to do list' of things to destroy this country. I was going to rejoin the NRA next month, but after they endorsed Harry Reid(?) or some other RAT(Charlton Heston must be spinning in his grave), I'm not giving them a dime. I think I'll give my money to GOA instead.

Ace! Most states have fine gun owner groups, give locally. I agree on the NRA, I didn't re-up because of their PCFU.


Good idea, I hadn't considered state or local groups. I'm just really pissed at the NRA right now...

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