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AP-GfK polls show Obama losing independents


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AP-GfK polls show Obama losing independents APNews

Independents who embraced President Barack Obama's call for change in 2008 are ready for a shift again, and that's worrisome news for Democrats.

Only 32 percent of those citing no allegiance to either major party say they want Democrats to keep control of Congress in this November's elections, according to combined results of recent Associated Press-GfK polls. That's way down from the 52 percent of independents who backed Obama over Republican Sen. John McCain two years ago, and the 49 percent to 41 percent edge by which they preferred Democratic candidates for the House in that election, according to exit polls of voters.
Independents voice especially strong concerns about the economy, with 9 in 10 calling it a top problem and no other issue coming close, the analysis of the AP-GfK polls shows. While Democrats and Republicans rank the economy the No. 1 problem in similar numbers, they are nearly as worried about their No. 2 issues, health care for Democrats and terrorism for Republicans.

Ominously for Democrats, independents trust Republicans more on the economy by a modest but telling 42 percent to 36 percent. That's bad news for the party that controls the White House and Congress at a time of near 10 percent unemployment and the slow economic recovery.

"People are just struggling, they need a job but there's nowhere to get a job," said independent Leilani Buxman, 55, of Greeley, Colo. Of Obama, she said, "It seems like he talks but he doesn't do anything about it."

Both parties court independents for obvious reasons. Besides their sheer number _ 4 in 10 describe themselves as independents in combined AP-GfK polling for April, May and June _ they are a crucial swing group.

To try winning them over, Republicans say they will contrast Obama's campaign promises of change with the huge spending programs he's approved. Democrats say they will warn independents that a GOP victory will revive that party's efforts to cut taxes for the rich and transform Social Security into risky private investment accounts.

Targeting independents is tricky, though, because the makeup of independents evolves over time.

Their numbers have swollen from 3 in 10 two years ago, due partly to the weakened political loyalties that typify years without presidential elections. While some are conservatives dissatisfied with Republicans, similar numbers are disillusioned Democrats, underscoring a frustration with the party in power often seen when the economy is bad.snip
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The premise of this article is clearly demonstrated in the latest RealClearPolitics roundup of presidential approval polls. The independents are making a huge difference in the overall approval index.


The results of these different polls tell a very consistent story.


There has been a huge shift recently... June 2010 was the first time he went negative in their composite polls.



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Interesting Gallup Demographics for last weeks Presidential Approval.


White Presidential Approval of BHO: 36%

Black Presidential Approval of BHO: 93%


It does prove one thing that Obama was right about...


He said were were not going to have Red State or Blue State Americans. It now appears that we just have Black or White Americans. :(

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Interesting Gallup Demographics for last weeks Presidential Approval.


White Presidential Approval of BHO: 36%

Black Presidential Approval of BHO: 93%


It does prove one thing that Obama was right about...


He said were were not going to have Red State or Blue State Americans. It now appears that we just have Black or White Americans. :(


Calls to mind a debate that was on O'Reilly over these stats sometime in the past two weeks......a Black Professor of Economics, and a White Professor....can't remember the subject she taught. The Black professor said that these stats don't involve any sort of racial bias, but a difference in politics, due to culture, between whites and blacks......blacks overwhelmingly supporting big government while most whites do not.


The white professor claimed that these statistics prove that most white Americans are racists and bigots, because they don't support Zero.


Which, of course, left me feeling VERY confused.

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Calls to mind a debate that was on O'Reilly over these stats sometime in the past two weeks......a Black Professor of Economics, and a White Professor....can't remember the subject she taught. The Black professor said that these stats don't involve any sort of racial bias, but a difference in politics, due to culture, between whites and blacks......blacks overwhelmingly supporting big government while most whites do not.


The white professor claimed that these statistics prove that most white Americans are racists and bigots, because they don't support Zero.


Which, of course, left me feeling VERY confused.



Interesting.... Gallup demographics for his first week in office, it was:


White approval (for both Republicans and DEMS): 63%

Black approval: 86%


Looks like a whole bunch of whites got racist recently.

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