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Rep. Waters insists she did not break any House ethics rules


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The Hill:

Rep. Maxine Waters claimed she did not violate House rules and called for her ethics trial to begin as quickly as possible.

In an unusual recess press conference in Washington Friday morning, the 10-term California Democrat defended herself to reporters, even using a PowerPoint presentation by her chief of staff to drive home her points.

She reiterated some of the same points that her office has pushed since the House ethics committee charged her with violating three conflict-of-interest rules. The charges stem from her allegedly helping obtain federal bailout funds for a troubled bank in which her husband owned stock.

"I have arranged this press conference to present my facts in the case and clear up ambiguities and misinformation," she said in a pre-written statement. "I recognize the transparency that I am providing may not eliminate an adjudicatory hearing. To reiterate, I am in fact anxious to share these facts with you and the public because I have not violated any House rules.

"Unfortunately, the committee has not yet specified a date for a hearing on this matter, and given the congressional schedule it is possible that no hearing would be held for months, even after the November elections," she said. "Such a delay is unacceptable, considering that the investigation has dragged out for almost a year."

Waters, a member of the House Financial Services Committee, has vigorously defended herself since the ethics panel released its charges; she has repeatedly said that she was simply acting to provide help for minority- and female-owned financial firms.

"Neither my staff nor I engaged in any improper behavior; we did not influence anyone; and we did not gain any benefit," she said. "This case is not just about me. This case is about access, about access to those who are not heard by people in power."

Or at least those who can afford their attention... :rolleyes:
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