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Primary night yields good news for President Obama and Democrats


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President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party, who have been starved for good news through much of 2010, finally received a generous helping Tuesday night.

Republicans, meanwhile, were left with several new reasons to wonder whether all the favorable national trends showing up in polls are enough to overcome local candidates who are inspiring little confidence about their readiness for the general election twelve weeks from now.

In each of the four states that held primaries Tuesday, the GOP either nominated or gave an overnight lead to candidates tarnished by scandal, gaffes or some other significant vulnerability.

The headline victory belonged to Sen. Michael Bennet, the Colorado Democrat who, with extensive help from Obama and the party establishment in Washington, galloped to a surprisingly wide nine-point victory over challenger Andrew Romanoff. A former House speaker, Romanoff once looked well-positioned poised to rally liberal discontent and give the White House a very visible black eye.

But the party establishment showed it still has some fight even in an anti-establishment year. And Democrats, in an assessment that many independent analysts tend to agree with, said the most favorable news for them may have come from the results on the Republican side.

The GOP nominee will be Ken Buck, a county prosecutor and insurgent conservative who Democrats will try to paint as a Colorado version of Sharron Angle—the Nevada Republican whose rhetorical stubbed toes and strident ideological profile have weakened GOP prospects there.

The Colorado results, combined with Tuesday returns in Connecticut, Georgia, and Minnesota and other recent primaries, suggest it may be time to scrutinize a treasured 2010 storyline—about an angry electorate, determined to punish insiders and professional pols of all stripes, rushing to embrace ideological insurgents.

It’s not that this narrative is all wrong. But it appears to be significantly more true among Republicans than Democrats.

Buck, for instance, was favored by some tea party activists but opposed by much of the state and national party leadership. Buck’s caught-on-tape remark that he ought to be elected because he didn’t wear high heels wasn’t enough for Lt. Gov Jane Norton to close the gap in their primary, but it will certainly be used against the Republican nominee in the general election.

Republicans also didn’t do themselves any favors in Colorado’s gubernatorial contest by narrowly nominating Dan Maes. GOP leaders had hoped former Rep. Scott McInnis, who has become embroiled in a plagiarism scandal, would win the nomination and then agree to drop out – giving the party a fresh chance to tap a new nominee who would give them a better chance to take on former Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper.snip
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The media is desperate to spin Bennet's win as some major victory for Obama which will translate into national Obama love.

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shoutGeee! Thanks for the post1


While the article may be tainted with "journolism," the local politics are that Romanoff; is a preening Democratic dilettante. The Dem machine that changed Colorado from red to purple, is backed by unions, and especially the teachers union. Bennet has close ties to that union, coming from his previous employment as Colorado education czar. Romanoff, acting as Colorado House speaker, while not inept, did not accomplish the "hope & change" expected of him, when Dem's swept state government.


There is a huge [Soros] amount of money [Soros] at play here [Soros] in Colorado politics [Soros] on the Democratic [Soros] side, keeping the [Soros] Obama agenda [Soros] in play.


The reason may be, groups being financed by George Soros.

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The media is desperate to spin Bennet's win as some major victory for Obama which will translate into national Obama love.

They are, even as Bennett tries to distance himself from Obummer, asking him not to campaign with him...I dunno whether to laugh or cry it's all so funny.


On the Republican side, the corrupt (but Tea Party favorite?!?!?) Ken Buck, won. I only hope is good enough to beat Bennett, so we can say bye bye to him, come November.

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The media is desperate to spin Bennet's win as some major victory for Obama which will translate into national Obama love.

They are, even as Bennett tries to distance himself from Obummer, asking him not to campaign with him...I dunno whether to laugh or cry it's all so funny.


On the Republican side, the corrupt (but Tea Party favorite?!?!?) Ken Buck, won. I only hope is good enough to beat Bennett, so we can say bye bye to him, come November.

Do you think there's any chance?

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On the Republican side, the corrupt (but Tea Party favorite?!?!?) Ken Buck, won. I only hope is good enough to beat Bennett, so we can say bye bye to him, come November.

Do you think there's any chance?


The Democrats will try to tar & feather Buck with the same things Norton tried to use against him: Suspected campaign finance problems relating to a 527 entity that several of his friends / former employers put together to buy $ 700,000.00 worth of ad spots, and a case against some gun dealers that he dumped, as a prosecutor, and which caused him some ethical violations. Compared to the money, dead burnt bodies & ethical corruption of the Democratic machine that is backing Bennet.......Buck is "pure as the driven snow."


Perception is everything though, and if he can keep the focus on Bennet's collusion with the Democrat's in bankrupting our country through the Soros/Obama agenda; he'll stand a fair chance.


I have to laugh at the PC crap that will flow from now on. Colorado has a history rich in characters that were flawed, but had the guts & drive to keep this state & nation moving forward.


Buck is one of those. Norton, Bennet & Romanoff are not.

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You know, this is truly naked partisanship and bias. It's ridiculous. Report the story and don't make up stupid headlines.


Not only that...all it does when the public is dissatisfied is energize the forces against Obama's team. Not only do they not understand middle America, sometimes I am convinced they don't understand basic human nature either!

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