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Perry invites Obama to tour the border with him


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AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry's meeting at the Austin airport with President Barack Obama on border security lasted a mere 34 seconds, and Perry had to hand a letter on the issue to presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett because Obama declined to personally accept it.

That did not dissuade the governor from inviting Obama to come back to Texas and tour the border with him to get a first hand look at what Perry describes as the threat from Mexican drug cartels.

"Look, he's got the letter. I suspect he'll read it. I hope he responds to it," Perry said. "This is way past partisanship or politics."

Perry said Obama's decision to send 1,200 troops to the entire border with Mexico was inadequate, particularly since only 286 are coming to Texas.

Perry said he would like a substantial meeting with Obama to discuss the need for 1,000 National Guard troops until 3,000 Border Patrol agents can be trained to take over.

"We need a substantial amount of boots on the ground. We need the technology in the air. The predator drones. The other technologies we've talked about: night vision equipment, cameras, motion-detecting equipment," Perry said.

The governor said immigration reform is "a waste of effort until you secure the border."

Governor Rick perry tries and sort of succeeds in getting Obama's attention.
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If I were Rick Perry, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for Obambi to take him up on his invitation to tour the border. He's got too many fundraisers and trying to find a way to end run Congress on amnesty for voters.

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If I were Rick Perry, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for Obambi to take him up on his invitation to tour the border. He's got too many fundraisers and trying to find a way to end run Congress on amnesty for voters.


You forgot to mention how little time Zero has left over for State business after his weekly (5 hour) 18 holes and his bi-monthly vacations.

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Perry had to hand a letter on the issue to presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett because Obama declined to personally accept it.


Why on earth would the President be that rude? I mean, even if you weren't going to read it personally, or didn't want to carry it or whatever...you accept it and pass it off to an aide in private.


President Obama does know he is the president of ALL of us...not just those in his party, right? (Do I need a sarcasm tag here?)

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