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Video: New Black Panthers Grateful to Holder for 'Payback Time'


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Washington Examiner:

Video: New Black Panthers grateful to Holder for ‘payback time’
Special to the Examiner
07/09/10 9:55 PM EDT

Leaders of the New Black Panther Party express joy in a newly available video that Attorney General Eric Holder tolerated their voter-intimidation activities and dropped a case against them.

In the video below, Malik Shabazz, president of the New Black Panther Party, explains at a NBPP meeting why New Black Panthers were sent to polling places with batons. His comments include some jokes, as when he cracked to members “You know we don’t carry batons…. PSYCHE! I’m just playin’.” Shabazz goes on to explain that his brother got a pass from the Obama Justice Department because “Justice Department leadership changed into the hands of a black man by the name of Eric Holder.” Good to know.

J. Christian Adams, the Department of Justice attorney who resigned because the Department of Justice would neither prevent nor allow him to testify on the case, did note that some people in the DOJ “argued that the law should not be used against black wrongdoers because of the long history of slavery and segregation. Less charitable individuals called it ‘payback time.’”‘

Adams also testified before the U.S. Civil Rights Commission that he “I was told by Voting Section management that cases are not going to be brought against black defendants [for] the benefit of white victims.”snip
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