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Christian Adams Blows the Whistle On Progressives and Race


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American Spectator:

Christian Adams Blows Whistle on Progressives and Race
By Jeffrey Lord on 7.6.10 @ 6:08AM

Christian Adams and Bill Clinton.

Who would have thought a heretofore unknown career Justice Department lawyer and the famously garrulous former President could combine to turn the spotlight on the centuries old -- if never formally acknowledged -- alliance between progressives and racism?
President Clinton first.

In winging along in his eulogy for the late West Virginia U.S. Senator Robert Byrd, former President Bill Clinton decided (impulsively?) to address the much commented upon knowledge that Senator Byrd spent part of his early career as an "Exalted Cyclops" of the Ku Klux Klan.

Blurted Clinton of that which must not be mentioned by liberals:

"He once had a fleeting association with the Ku Klux Klan, what does that mean? I'll tell you what it means. He was a country boy from the hills and hollows from West Virginia. He was trying to get elected. And maybe he did something he shouldn't have done and he spent the rest of his life making it up. And that's what a good person does. There are no perfect people. There are certainly no perfect politicians."
So. Bill Clinton says Robert Byrd was dallying with one of the most famously racist organizations in American history because he "was trying to get elected."

OK. Fair enough. (Not really, but we'll come back to this.)

But trying to get elected… to do what, exactly?

Well, as it happens, we know the answer to that. Senator Byrd spend his entire career as an elected official supporting -- hold on -- Big Government. Really. The whole shebang from the social programs to the big buildings and unions that housed and ran those programs. When he could get away with it, which was often, he loved having whole chunks of that Big Government built or removed to the end of that country road that was heaven to him -- West Virginia.

And with Bill Clinton's frank acknowledgment, we now have, at long last, an on-the-record nod to what has been the dirty little secret of the American left since its beginning.

And that dirty little secret would be?

The immutable connection between the sheerest, rawest forms of racism -- and the political necessity of using that racism to successfully sell and build Big Government. Race is the social concrete required for the resulting political edifice over which progressives love to endlessly preen, build, re-build, enlarge and preen again. And all of it -- the massive programs, the resulting bureaucrats, the mushrooming government unions -- the entire framework cannot be successfully erected unless racism, fear of "the other," is used as the pouring mixture. As Robert Byrd did with such early skillful success.

This is not some political reminder of the past, either. Robert Byrd and his affection for racism was not -- is not -- a relic of liberal days gone by.
To dismiss what Byrd did to get up onto his first political rung in the late 1940s as just the antics of some country boy with straw still in his ears is to seriously misunderstand what we are seeing in American society right this minute. To misunderstand what Christian Adams has stumbled onto in, of all places, the U.S. Department of Justice. Not to mention what we have seen in one form or another from progressives/liberals/the American left for some two hundred years.snip
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And that dirty little secret would be?


The immutable connection between the sheerest, rawest forms of racism -- and the political necessity of using that racism to successfully sell and build Big Government. Race is the social concrete required for the resulting political edifice over which progressives love to endlessly preen, build, re-build, enlarge and preen again. And all of it -- the massive programs, the resulting bureaucrats, the mushrooming government unions -- the entire framework cannot be successfully erected unless racism, fear of "the other," is used as the pouring mixture. As Robert Byrd did with such early skillful success.


This is not some political reminder of the past, either. Robert Byrd and his affection for racism was not -- is not -- a relic of liberal days gone by


Glad to finally see this in print. The msm has totally chosen to ignore Clinton's and Obama's statements.

I can only imagine the firestorm if some Republican had said the same. Probably would have been tarred and feathered and run out of office like, oh say, Trent Lott.

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Thanks Save! Glad he is getting some support.

Lets see if we hear/read one word in the msm.

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Lets see if we hear/read one word in the msm.


From John Fund in the WSJ - July 7th... He asks the same question as you did RM.




A Very Obama Scandal

The Black Panthers voter intimidation scandal plagues the Justice Department.



J. Christian Adams, a former career Justice Department official who resigned over the Obama administration's failure to pursue a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party, will finally get a chance to tell his story in public today when he testifies before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.


Mr. Adams will make some explosive charges. He says the administration used a racial double standard in deciding last year to drop the prosecution of the New Black Panther Party after members were videotaped in front of a Philadelphia polling place on Election Day 2008 dressed in military-style uniforms, brandishing a billy club and using racial slurs against voters. Mr. Adams says the career prosecutors who pursued the case did their job but were stymied by Obama political appointees, for whom he has harsh words: "To abandon law-abiding citizens and abet wrongdoers constitutes corruption," he told Fox News last week.


President Obama's Justice Department continues to stonewall inquiries about why it dropped the voter intimidation case, which Bartle Bull, a former civil rights lawyer and former publisher of the left-wing Village Voice, calls "the most blatant form of voter intimidation I've ever seen." Mr. Bull and others witnessed one Black Panther pointing his billy club at voters and making racial threats. Mr. Bull says he heard one yell: "You are about to be ruled by the black man, cracker!"


Nonetheless, the Justice Department moved to dismiss most of the charges a month after winning a default judgment against the Black Panthers when the party failed to appear in federal court. The move came after Justice secured an agreement from one Black Panther member not to carry a "deadly weapon" near a polling place until 2012. In a written statement, the Justice Department now says it acted in good faith, adding: "It is regrettable when a former department attorney distorts the facts and makes baseless allegations to promote his or her agenda."


But the Washington Times has reported that six career lawyers at Justice, including Christopher Coates, former chief of the Justice Department's voting section, also favored pursuing the case. One of the career attorneys, Appellate Chief Diana Flynn, had urged in an internal memo that a judgment be pressed against the defendants to "prevent the paramilitary style intimidation of voters" in the future.


All of the career attorneys were overruled by Associate Attorney General Thomas Perrelli, an Obama appointee.


Rep. Frank Wolf, a Virginia Republican, says his efforts to require Justice to make the career attorneys available for questions have been rebuffed. Mr. Adams is able to testify today only because he voluntarily resigned his career position. It will be interesting to see if his public testimony finally stirs the broadcast networks to cover this outrage.

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