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DOJ Slimes Whistleblower Adams in Panthergate Case


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Pajamas Media:

Call it Panthergate, call it what you will. The Department of Justice (or its minions) is already attempting to slime its whistleblower J. Christian Adams — the attorney who recently resigned from the Department over its abandonment of the New Black Panther case.

Now Adams has struck back, telling Pajamas Media that the DOJ’s smears were a “blatant lie.”

Adams appeared on Megyn Kelly’s Fox News show to tell his story Tuesday, following which a “source familiar with the case” came forward, trying to tarnish the lawyer’s reputation. Pajamas Media was informed by a Fox producer:

The person said that any story should include the fact that Adams only left DOJ after being put into a job he disliked, and that he has long been an advocate of conservative views. Source also says Adams’ claims are “willfully inaccurate.”

This battle had been brewing for several days since Adams — using the Panther case as an example — asserted in the Washington Times, and then in more detail in Pajamas Media, that institutionalized bias had infiltrated Eric Holder’s Justice Department. Civil rights complaints would only be pursued when initiated by people of color against white people.

When it was the other way around, the complaints, even when well-substantiated as with the New Black Panthers, would disappear in a bureaucratic morass.

The attacks on Adams — whether from the “anonymous source” or from DOJ spokesperson Tracy Schmaler — were of surprising ferocity, indicating nervousness on the part of the Department.

Adams told Pajamas Media:

I was appalled and disappointed by the DOJ yesterday. They included a blatant lie in their response to my interview. They told Fox News I had been “unhappy with my position.” Not only would this be a personnel matter they aren’t supposed to discuss, it’s a fairy tale. In fact on April 28 I got a promotion, so maybe they can let me know what position I was unhappy with.

The problem with smearing me is that there are many others who know the truth inside the Department. Documents which they refuse to turn over pursuant to subpoenas from the Civil Rights Commission prove it. Testimony from other DOJ employees, which they refuse to allow, would also prove it.snip
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The person said that any story should include the fact that Adams only left DOJ after being put into a job he disliked, and that he has long been an advocate of conservative views.


And like to kill fuzzy little animals in his spare time.

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He's a CONSERVATIVE???? Well then he MUST be a liar! (sarc)




You forgot RACISTS! Everyone knows that conservative are racists....Let's get with the program here! :evil:

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You forgot RACISTS! Everyone knows that conservative are racists....Let's get with the program here!



Hey, some things are just understood. Things that you can just take for granted like gravity.


The "little dunce" in the picture is obviously white and thereby a racist. All whites are racist!

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You forgot RACISTS! Everyone knows that conservative are racists....Let's get with the program here!



Hey, some things are just understood. Things that you can just take for granted like gravity.


The "little dunce" in the picture is obviously white and thereby a racist. All whites are racist!



This absolutely mirrors the liberal racism line & that mindset has even become posting policy on most liberal websites:


If, as a group, you have experienced "institutionalized racism/sexism/elitism" as a black/woman/homosexual, you are not capable of racism/sexism/elitism & any posts suggesting such will be barred. Your post will be pulled & you will be banned and/or executed.


People that can dance on the head of a pin with logic & semantic mastery, [shoutValin! with his COIN] or [shoutPepper! with his dumpster diving] can tread the dangererous path.........all others beware.


When the law is not applied equally to all citizens, there is no respect for the law....ergo, there is no law. The pendulum is not allowed to swing here, ala "affirmative action."

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Yes, he WAS unhappy with his job. He wasn't unhappy about the work, but he was unhappy about his colleagues who were lying and not being fair arbiters of justice.


And their point would be?


From experience, ethics matter.


I once quit a job where I loved the work itself, liked my boss personally and respected his vast creative talents—but was enormously uncomfortable about his business ethics. Despite all the things that job had going for it, I was unhappy with it because I did not want squirmy ethics to be applied to me as a result of being his employee. My last paycheck bounced and it took me awhile to get paid, but he and I remain friends to this day and I still respect his creativity and industry knowledge. But if there had been anything flat out illegal, I would have reported him. (There wasn't.) But it would have been extremely painful to have to do that.

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I googled 'Whistleblower J. Christian Adams and just J. Christian Adams. The only established newspaper, the Wash Examiner, had a opinion piece written by Adams himself. The only TV coverage was from Fox naturally. Not one broadcast or cable news station or newspaper had anything about this matter. MediaMatters had a headline that, you guessed it, blamed Bush.

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I googled 'Whistleblower J. Christian Adams and just J. Christian Adams. The only established newspaper, the Wash Examiner, had a opinion piece written by Adams himself. The only TV coverage was from Fox naturally. Not one broadcast or cable news station or newspaper had anything about this matter. MediaMatters had a headline that, you guessed it, blamed Bush.


They're going to bury everything linking Obambi and Holder to this mess, and ABCBSNBCNNMSNBC are going to lurch over the cliff with them.

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