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Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Fastest Way to Create Jobs


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Unemployment benefits are creating jobs faster than practically any other program, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday.

Talking to reporters, the House speaker was defending a jobless benefits extension against those who say it gives recipients little incentive to work. By her reasoning, those checks are helping give somebody a job.

"It injects demand into the economy," Pelosi said, arguing that when families have money to spend it keeps the economy churning. "It creates jobs faster than almost any other initiative you can name."

Pelosi said the aid has the "double benefit" of helping those who lost their jobs and acting as a "job creator" on the side. :snip:

Now we are talking real stimulus....
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Nancy's statement sounds like a 2AM cable infomercial...


"Eat all you want of the foods that you love... and watch the pounds melt away without exercise. It's easy and quick for just $39.95 plus shipping and handling."


A personally observed story here: Last month at a neighborhood event, the 50 year old brother-in-law of one neighbors was bragging that he'd been laid off... but was on some very lucrative unemployment benefits.


He proudly announced that he'd turned down several jobs because he was having too much fun going back to school with subsidized tuition on top of it.


I bit my tongue, but I'm sure that my expression did not respond approvingly.

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Well if you don't have a house, or are walking away from it with a foreclosure, and your lifestyle is not over the top, you could probably get by on the unemployment, foodstamps, tax credits and take advantage of free tuition to go to school. Seems like unemployment benefits are going to be extended for multiple years at this point.

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Not sure it is the same in all areas, but at least here there are plenty of entry/low wage jobs. They probably pay about the same as unemployment though and kids are still turning up their noses at them cause they can live at home or go to school.

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Not sure it is the same in all areas, but at least here there are plenty of entry/low wage jobs. They probably pay about the same as unemployment though and kids are still turning up their noses at them cause they can live at home or go to school.

Unemployment Checks... doing the jobs that Americans don't want to do!

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I'm not sure how it is in the rest of the country, but in Oklahoma unemployment benefits cap out at about $1,300 a month. That comes out to about $15,000. per year. Depending on the number of people in the household, I'm sure some food stamps would be available on that level of income, but myself, I'd rather work. Even minimum wage is more than what you can get from unemployment.

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I'm not sure how it is in the rest of the country, but in Oklahoma unemployment benefits cap out at about $1,300 a month. That comes out to about $15,000. per year. Depending on the number of people in the household, I'm sure some food stamps would be available on that level of income, but myself, I'd rather work. Even minimum wage is more than what you can get from unemployment.


$1300 a month is about $7.50 an hour. In Texas you can get $250 on your "Lone Star Card" for food at that salary for a family of 3. Not saying it is living in style, but pretty close to min. wage, so why work, or just take the benefits and work off the books in your spare time.

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I'm not sure how it is in the rest of the country, but in Oklahoma unemployment benefits cap out at about $1,300 a month. That comes out to about $15,000. per year. Depending on the number of people in the household, I'm sure some food stamps would be available on that level of income, but myself, I'd rather work. Even minimum wage is more than what you can get from unemployment.


$1300 a month is about $7.50 an hour. In Texas you can get $250 on your "Lone Star Card" for food at that salary for a family of 3. Not saying it is living in style, but pretty close to min. wage, so why work, or just take the benefits and work off the books in your spare time.


I am sure that for a family of three something similar is available in Oklahoma, as well. But, this logic only emphasises the fact that unemployment inhibits that element of society from finding gainful employment, instead of, as intended, subsidizing them during search for same.


I am probably old fashioned in the sense that I believe that there is no job too menial that a man with a wife and children should not lower himself to perform.


I would add that, even in the most inexpensive economy in this country, $1,550.00 per month is lean living at best. The national mean for groceries in this country for a family of three is $400 per month, and, while I don't know about the entire state of Texas, in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metropolitan area, is considerably higher than it is in any metro area in Oklahoma.

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But, this logic only emphasises the fact that unemployment inhibits that element of society from finding gainful employment, instead of, as intended, subsidizing them during search for same.

That is my point. For an unfortunately increasing number of US citizens, hanging out on unemployment for years does not look so bad. This is especially true if you want to take some time off and go to school, work cash jobs, etc.

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At a packed unemployment office in Glendale, Calif., Thursday, Dominic Lucas worried about how he'll support his son once his benefits end.


"Your hands are tied behind your back and someone is threatening to shoot you," he says. "That's how it feels."


The larger problem is that consumer spending is needed for the economy to recover. Now millions of Americans are losing their unemployment checks and their buying power. Some economists fear that could lead to a double dip recession.


"We're hearing from people that are saying how am I supposed to look for a job if I don't even have money to put gas in my car?" says Andrew Stettner, the deputy director of the National Employment Law Project.


And finding work is daunting. There are five unemployed workers for every one job opening. In Pawtucket, R.I., nursing assistant Michelle Populus has been out of work for almost two years.


"I desperately need a job. I really do," says Populus. "I know in eight weeks I'm screwed."

While those in Congress take a break from their jobs for the holiday, millions of Americans desperately wish they simply had some work to do.

The editor/writer of this piece sure has no bias.

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But, this logic only emphasises the fact that unemployment inhibits that element of society from finding gainful employment, instead of, as intended, subsidizing them during search for same.

That is my point. For an unfortunately increasing number of US citizens, hanging out on unemployment for years does not look so bad. This is especially true if you want to take some time off and go to school, work cash jobs, etc.


I guess this is where I get into trouble with this argument. I cannot understand the mindset of someone who would rather leech than produce.


Continuing education is different, but not much so. When I went back to school, I still worked.


A difference of the times and social ethos, I guess. In my formative years those that rode the system were vilified, while those that produced were honored.


I don't really want to change that part of myself. I am saddened that our society has.

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Dealing with social issues is always tuff and you sound like an ass taking a hardline. But if still unemployed after a year at least it is time to move to welfare. Unemployment INSURANCE was supposed to be paid by companies to cover this, now the FED's have stepped in and just give the money away.

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Dealing with social issues is always tuff and you sound like an ass taking a hardline. But if still unemployed after a year at least it is time to move to welfare. Unemployment INSURANCE was supposed to be paid by companies to cover this, now the FED's have stepped in and just give the money away.


Oh, PUHLEEZ, call me anything but an ASS



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In all seriousness, for an 11 month period extending from 2008 through 2009, I delivered pizza. I refuse to become a ward of the state. While it is true that I had more than enough in savings to get by for an extended period of time, I didn't want to burden my (hopefully soon) retirement.


I can think of no better motivation for finding one's idea of the perfect job than working in a job that is below your level of education and drive. I spent more time searching for work than I did working as a full time employee for that 11 months.

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Unemployment benefits are creating jobs faster than practically any other program, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday.


Talking to reporters, the House speaker was defending a jobless benefits extension against those who say it gives recipients little incentive to work. By her reasoning, those checks are helping give somebody a job.


"It injects demand into the economy," Pelosi said, arguing that when families have money to spend it keeps the economy churning. "It creates jobs faster than almost any other initiative you can name."


Pelosi said the aid has the "double benefit" of helping those who lost their jobs and acting as a "job creator" on the side. :snip:



Ok. I've been trying to avoid saying this, but is Nancy mentally ill or suffering from dementia or something? Seriously, this is truly craziness.

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Ok. I've been trying to avoid saying this, but is Nancy mentally ill or suffering from dementia or something? Seriously, this is truly craziness.



shoutPollyannaish, virtually every part of those two sentences is true.

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"...but is Nancy mentally ill or suffering from dementia or something?"


Polly you know the answer to your question. She is so partisan, she can't think straight. Her entire family is partisan. It is in her dna, coupled with botox. She is going to so disappointed come January, 2011, sitting alone in the House wondering how it happened. Of course, she can think of nothing that would be her fault. 'Those damn Repubs, they stole my leadership.'

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Somewhat related:


Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Thursday ordered about 200,000 state workers to be paid the federal minimum wage this month because the state Legislature has not passed a budget.


Department of Personnel Administration Director Debbie Endsley sent the order in a letter to the state controller, who refused a similar order two years ago and may try to do the same thing this time. Most state employees will be paid the federal minimum of $7.25 per hour for the July pay period.


Schwarzenegger spokesman Aaron McLear said the change should be reflected in state employees' next paycheck. Workers will be paid in full retroactively once a budget is passed.

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And on yet another related note:


Strip clubs are known for doling out risque entertainment -- but welfare benefits?


That has been the case in California, where more than $12,000 in welfare cash was dispensed from strip club ATMs from 2007 to 2009 as part of the state's Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, the Los Angeles Times reported. It turns out that those needy families weren't prohibited from using their state-issued ATM cards there, and some took advantage.


The report comes on the heals of an earlier Times report on $4.8 million in welfare cash withdrawn since 2007 from ATMs at casinos and poker rooms. But the days of access to welfare benefits at casinos and strip clubs likely are numbered.


Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has ordered the department overseeing the program to remove casino and strip club ATMs from the list of permitted welfare disbursement site

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