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Congressman Attacks Student


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Big Government:

Mike Flynn
June 14, 2010

Maybe it is my Catholic upbringing, but I’ve always been cursed with a bit too much empathy. It is often difficult to witness people bearing the full weight of the consequences of their decisions, even when it is richly deserved. (And, in the case of House Democrats few have ever been more deserving of reaping everything they’ve sown.) We’re human, after all, and witnessing people on the cusp of realizing that they’ve lost everything can be difficult.

Last week, Democrat Congressman Bob Etheridge (D-NC2) attended a fundraiser headlined by Speaker Nancy Pelosi. He was asked by some students on the street whether he supported the “Obama Agenda.” He didn’t take it well......(Snip)

Now I'm not a lawyer, but this stikes me as a little thing I like to call Assault and Battery.
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Now I'm not a lawyer, but this stikes me as a little thing I like to call Assault and Battery.



But I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express...... :P

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If the video makes you angry... just wait until you see this WaPo commentary on the incident. I'm OK with the first few sentences... but read on!




Rep. Bob Etheridge's Capitol offense


Could it have been the heat? Or maybe it's the highly-charged atmosphere of hyper-partisan Washington that caused Rep. Bob Etheridge (D-N.C.) to go off? It doesn't really matter what prompted it. By grabbing the arm of someone who said he was a student working on a project and then grabbing him by the neck after not being told where he went to school, Etheridge displayed thuggish behavior that must never be condoned. Not when it's done by rowdy Tea Partiers outside the Capitol, and certainly not by people who are elected to serve there.


Etheridge's apology came quickly and without the lame "if anyone was offended" line. I applaud him for it.


"I deeply and profoundly regret my reaction, and I apologize to all involved. Throughout my many years of service to the people of North Carolina, I have always tried to treat people from all viewpoints with respect. No matter how intrusive and partisan our politics can become, this does not justify a poor response. I have and I will always work to promote a civil public discourse."


Now, David Weigel asks a good question: So, who were the young men hassled by Bob Etheridge? And he raises the specter that many other members of Congress might face similar two-person FlipCam crews. If that's the case, let the Etheridge video serve as a warning of what not to do for everyone else.

I seem to have missed the front page WaPo stories reporting of all of the previous rowdy Tea Partier assaults that have taken place outside the Capitol recently... or not so recently... or ever!

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Argyle58! NCTexan!


I'm not a violent man, but I do believe I would have shown him....the errors of his ways when he first touched me. In my experience there is nothing like a well executed groin kick so show someone not to touch me.

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Argyle58! NCTexan!


I'm not a violent man, but I do believe I would have shown him....the errors of his ways when he first touched me. In my experience there is nothing like a well executed groin kick so show someone not to touch me.




Most likely, your *ss would be hauled of to jail for assault on an esteemed member of the elite.


It actually works better for the film makers aka 2-man assault team that they restrained themselves.

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