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Long Hot Summer Begins: Congressman Attacks Student


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Big Government:

h/t saveliberty!

Long Hot Summer Begins: Congressman Attacks Student
Long Hot Summer Begins: Congressman Attacks Student

Let’s recap what we saw on this video. A sitting Congressman–a presumed living extension of James Madison and other founding fathers–was asked on a public street whether he supported the President’s agenda. His response was to hit away a video camera and assault a student. The age of Pericles this ain’t.

It is going to be a long, hot summer. But, you’ve been shown a politician who can be beaten this November. Act accordingly.

Congressman Assaults Student on Washington Sidewalk

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Rep. Bob Etheridge's Capitol offense


snipNow, David Weigel asks a good question: So, who were the young men hassled by Bob Etheridge? And he raises the specter that many other members of Congress might face similar two-person FlipCam crews. If that's the case, let the Etheridge video serve as a warning of what not to do for everyone else.





So, who were the young men hassled by Bob Etheridge?



We still don't know. I have asked program managers at several conservative organizations whether they know the identities of the two people in this video who say they are "students ... working on a project" and who are rewarded for their inquisitiveness by being manhandled by Rep. Bob Etheridge (D-N.C.).




Bob Etheridge apologizes for reaction to students with camera


Rep. Bob Etheridge (D-N.C.) has issued an apology for his behavior on a much-circulated video in which two young people with a video camera who identify themselves as "students" elicited an angry reaction from him -- including grabbing the right arm and then the full body of one student. [Original Etheridge post below.]


"I have seen the video posted on several blogs," says Etheridge. "I deeply and profoundly regret my reaction, and I apologize to all involved. Throughout my many years of service to the people of North Carolina, I have always tried to treat people from all viewpoints with respect. No matter how intrusive and partisan our politics can become, this does not justify a poor response. I have and I will always work to promote a civil public discourse."

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Some sanity from the DUmp:


posted Mon Jun-14-10 04:19 PM


Anyone - left or right - who defends this congressman is a fool -

- as there is no defense for what he did. He is a public servant on a public street. They asked him one question. He could have calmly said he wasn't doing drive-by interviews and walked away without making any remarks. Instead, he assaulted one of them.


Yes, it was assault. He grabbed the young mans wrist and then grabbed him behind the neck. No, Etheridge wasn't touched or he would have been saying so by now.


Doesn't matter if they had an agenda as the world is full of agenda-driven people but we don't go around grabbing them by the neck. Etheridge has ruined his career. Anyone defending him is taking the chance of ruining theirs, as well.

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'Hunter-Killer Teams' and the Etheridge Video


By Robert Stacy McCain on 6.14.10 @ 1:54PM


"Notice they're always in twos," said a conservative operative whom I called to ask about the video confrontation in which Rep. Bob Etheridge (D-N.C.) accosted a college student who attempted to ask him a question.

The operative, who has been responsible for numerous undercover ("black ops") political projects, compared the two students to a military "hunter-killer team" -- the tandem of a sniper and a spotter. The operative did not want to disclose the tactics and strategy of such projects, but said that we can expect to see more video confrontations during what Mike Flynn of BigGovernment.com predicts will be a "long hot summer."


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'Hunter-Killer Teams' and the Etheridge Video


By Robert Stacy McCain on 6.14.10 @ 1:54PM


"Notice they're always in twos," said a conservative operative whom I called to ask about the video confrontation in which Rep. Bob Etheridge (D-N.C.) accosted a college student who attempted to ask him a question.

The operative, who has been responsible for numerous undercover ("black ops") political projects, compared the two students to a military "hunter-killer team" -- the tandem of a sniper and a spotter. The operative did not want to disclose the tactics and strategy of such projects, but said that we can expect to see more video confrontations during what Mike Flynn of BigGovernment.com predicts will be a "long hot summer."


shoutPepper! Great post!


Ambushed on the streets by a "hunter-killer" team? Thank God he was able to beat them senseless & escape unharmed!


They deserved a beat-down.....they.....asked him a question.


If not for his lightening quick relexes & keen analysis of the situation; he'd have had one in the chest & one in the noggin.




Oh, yeah....the letter of apology from Representative Bobby "Boom-Boom" Etheridge, here:


Hell Yes, I'm Sorry!


h/t:weaselzippers &awd

Edited by SrWoodchuck
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shoutSrWoodChuck! Thanks



Great quote from Hell Yes I'm sorry


When those little teabagging bastards approached me, how was I to know who they were? They could have been anyone…except ninjas…because I would have never seen the ninjas coming. That aside, they could have been protesters, assassins or worse yet, Fox News reporters! We Democrat Congressmen are important people. That’s what most of you don’t understand. When a Democrat Congressman walks by, we would appreciate an appreciative smile, even applause, but don’t ever question us. Who are you to question me? I’m a Congressman! Let me get this out there right now as a warning…don’t ever approach Bobby “Boom Boom” Etheridge on the street again, you miserable proles if you don’t want a beat down!--Representative Bobby "Boom-Boom" Etheridge

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