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Deporting 'Son of Hamas'


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Mosab Hassan Yousef is a best-selling author who wrote "Son of Hamas" about his life as a Palestinian who became an informant for Israeli intelligence. He's probably near the top of every Islamist terror hit list, yet, incredibly enough, the U.S. may soon deport him as a terror threat.
In 2007, Mr. Yousef came to the United States, where he converted to Christianity from Islam and applied for political asylum. The request was denied in February 2009, Mr. Yousef says, on grounds that he was potentially "a danger to the security of the United States" and had "engaged in terrorist activity." His case has automatically proceeded to the deportation stage, and on June 30 at 8 a.m. he will appear before Judge Rico Bartolomei in Homeland Security Immigration Court in San Diego.

Homeland Security is well aware of the author's history, and in fact is using it against him. According to Mr. Yousef, a letter from Homeland Security attorney Kerri Calcador cites passages in "Son of Hamas" as evidence of his connection to terrorist leaders and suggests that the work he did for Hamas while spying for Israel provided aid to terrorists. "At a bare minimum, evidence of the respondent's transport of Hamas members to safe houses . . . indicates that the respondent provided material support to a [Tier I] terrorist organization," the U.S. lawyer wrote.

But unless Ms. Calcador knows more than she's saying, this is bizarre. As a spy for Israel, Mr. Yousef had to make his colleagues believe he was a loyal member of Hamas. He used that trust to gain information that he provided to Israeli intelligence, which used it to prevent terror attacks and save lives. One of Mr. Yousef's handlers at Shin Bet confirmed his book's account to the Israeli daily Haaretz, and his father, Sheikh Hassan Yousef, has disowned him from the Israeli prison he has occupied since 2005. (See our Weekend Interview with the younger Yousef, "They Need to Be Liberated From Their God," March 6, 2010.)....(Snip)

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This can't be true. Can it?


Uhm...the Zero turns his back on Israel, so one might assume that he considers Yousef a traitor to the radical Muslims he kowtows to. So, yes, it can be true.

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This can't be true. Can it?


Uhm...the Zero turns his back on Israel, so one might assume that he considers Yousef a traitor to the radical Muslims he kowtows to. So, yes, it can be true.



Mab if Bibi Attacked America, Israel would get the support they what from the WH?

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This can't be true. Can it?


Uhm...the Zero turns his back on Israel, so one might assume that he considers Yousef a traitor to the radical Muslims he kowtows to. So, yes, it can be true.



Mab if Bibi Attacked America, Israel would get the support they what from the WH?


At that point, Barry will apologize to Israel for America's arrogance and colonial ambitions, and would then offer them aid to continue the struggle against evil capitalist America.

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I'm willing to give away one McChesney, one Salazar and one Holder.....for one Mosab Hassan Yousef. All of them together have less integrity than Mr. Yousef. He was willing to die for his beliefs [and may still] whereas they owe allegiance to an ideology, and an arrogant figurehead administration, that cares not one whit about America, it's security, or citizens. His, a religion of the heart; theirs, a secular progressive religion of proven failure.

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Found an interesting observation about Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama at two sites:


Atlas Compiled Timeline Supporting Theory That Obama Practiced Taqiya

by IOTW Reports-June 12, 2010


Taqiya is the acceptance by Islam of lying in order to advance Islam. If it is advantageous to lie about your Islamic Jihad, this is approved by Islamic Law. This timeline was compiled after the revelation that Obama told Adul Gheit, Foreign Minister of Egypt, to show patience. Obama promised that once he overcame some domestic issues, like the Health Care Reform, he would show the Muslim world how to deal with Israel.


IOTW-Obama Practiced Taqiya


This was taken from Pamela Geller's website, Atlas Shrugs. Pamela is leading the fight against the Ground Zero Mosque and has started a charitable foundation for Muslims that want to withdraw from Islam, and need resources & security. She has now been dropped by Paypal,hurting her efforts; because of her stance against Islamic Jihad, and because she is almost the lone voice of opposition against the Muslim agenda in America, with these two efforts.

She is well spoken and has appeared numerous times on Fox/News. Her site is below [for original story]:



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