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Senator Hutchison responds to Obama attempt to kill NASA's Constellation through the back door


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Houston Examiner:

Senator Hutchison responds to Obama attempt to kill NASA's Constellation through the back door
June 10, 4:58 PM
Houston Space News
Mark Whittington

The Obama administration has decided to curtail spending on the Constellation program, citing the anti-deficiency act, requiring NASA contractors to reprogram money from Constellation projects to cancellation costs. Senator Kay Baily Hutchison, noting that the move will result in the loss of "of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of jobs', many of them at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, accused the administration and NASA of skirting the law and the will of Congress.


Contractors Told to Prepare for Moon Program’s End

Some 2,500 to 5,000 jobs nationwide will be axed by the end of the year. It was unclear how many of those might be at KSC; contractors in Utah and Colorado would bear the brunt of the cuts

Obama's Klan cites 140 year old law:

Enacted in 1870, the Anti-Deficiency Act says the federal government cannot spend money in excess of appropriations made by Congress. The law also requires contractors to set aside money to cover termination costs in case a government contract is canceled

Moon program awaits $1B cut

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (AP) - Boeing Co. will let go of up to 60% of the 300 people working on the Constellation program rocket in Huntsville.

The company says it will issue advance notice of job terminations July 2. Boeing spokesman Ed Memi says workers will leave Sept. 3.

Boeing to cut jobs on Constellation program rocket

Would be awful, sitting around the dinner table waiting for that shoe to drop on July 2.
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Biden will neglect mentioning these NASA related losses as he touts the millions of jobs saved and or maybe might have created.


These thousands of lost professional contractor jobs will be a drop in the bucket compared to the hundreds of thousands of double, triple, and quadruple counted census workers bottom feeding for Dem voters.


(All in all, apparently good day for the Left. NASA must return to solid earth and help out the communities, the minority, the women, the children.)sarcasm


We will remember in November.

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What presidential candidate did Texas and Alabama vote for?


Is the Electoral College tally laminated to the desk in the Oval Office?


Governance by Tantrum and Payback is childish and craven.

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Indeed, shoutPinz.


This is constant payback Chicago thug style.


Eventually, the Man-child will meet his match.

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I;m wondering how much of Glenn Becks meanderings through the Progressive Plots, may be true. We're in the most serious economic crisis, that any of us, except those elders that remember the "Great Depression" [what an incongruity] can fathom. Yet, every action taken by Obama, seems to result in more Americans losing jobs.


It's hard not to see that the more Americans become unemployed, the faster that "crisis" that they can take advantage of becomes evident.


Out of control WH discretionary spending [Hamas-$ 400 million]for pet projects just narrows the gap from the other end.


We may all be camping in the south of Utah, eating government gruel....hurry November!

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SrWoodchuck, even if Glenn Beck is batshit crazy, he's correct more often than the advisers and/or head of this administration. Obama and his crew cannot be so consistently wrong by chance.


Flipping through talk radio as I was out driving this afternoon, I caught the distinct impression that an opinion is forming that Obama and BP were/are in cahoots in dragging feet in stopping and cleaning up the mess in the Gulf. Such a conjecture doesn't surprise me in the least any more.

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It would only take a tiny twist of my pinky finger to believe that.


When Thad Allen states that it will take several weeks for skimming and other ships to get here to help, you have to wonder - where are they coming from? Why the delay?


We are 54 days from the original spill.


Obama has been sitting on his ass the entire time (time out for golf, dancing, partying, blaming Bush AND instead of attending the memorial of the men killed in Deepwater Horizon rig goes stumping for the Box out in CA)




SrWoodchuck, even if Glenn Beck is batshit crazy, he's correct more often than the advisers and/or head of this administration. Obama and his crew cannot be so consistently wrong by chance.


Flipping through talk radio as I was out driving this afternoon, I caught the distinct impression that an opinion is forming that Obama and BP were/are in cahoots in dragging feet in stopping and cleaning up the mess in the Gulf. Such a conjecture doesn't surprise me in the least any more.

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What presidential candidate did Texas and Alabama vote for?


Is the Electoral College tally laminated to the desk in the Oval Office?


Governance by Tantrum and Payback is childish and craven.



And totally in keeping with the way these are done in the new (and improved) Post Partisan Whitehouse.

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SrWoodchuck, even if Glenn Beck is batshit crazy, he's correct more often than the advisers and/or head of this administration. Obama and his crew cannot be so consistently wrong by chance.



I would call him that, a doom and gloomer to to be sure. OTOH I do recall him warning of the coming crash for at least two years before 08.

On the + side, he drives the left right around the bend...and over a cliff......and that's a good thing.



Todays question is who does the left hate more Glenn or Rush?

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Glenn Beck does a great job of collecting data points and presenting them to people who are not going out and looking for them specifically. He reminds me of a lot of us at FR in the 90's discovering what "politics as usual" looks like, and being horrified. (My husband sees on his program references to the articles I read here, and my MIL hears about from Rush, while he is cruising with the remote while relaxing in front of the TV before dinner. It is effortless to get caught up on info that used to have to be sought out.)


Back's conclusions are emotion filled, but he is sending up the warning, and it's hard to do that in an emotionless way.


His Friday Founders shows are real eye openers. I think that is his real gift right now, opening eyes. In that, he is an effective member of a team of activists trying to restore the Constitution. Rush, Sarah, Huckabee, Sean, Drudge, etc. are all members of that team, filling various niches. We are creating a deep bench with lots of specialists.


Rush is hated by the left, but they've made him into a cardboard cutout. He still has more valuable insight to offer than any three other commentators, imo.


But the left's Alinskyhate is becoming rather shallow in effectiveness anymore, I think, as it is directed everywhere, at full tilt. I think the left is looking more and more like the adolescents they were in the 60's. They've never grown up, they've never gotten serious, they haven't developed any wisdom, just honing the same old tactics to whine about the same old grievances. True that they've about destroyed the country in the past little while, but I think much of that is because most of the voters didn't really believe that they were still bound and determined to continue their 50 year old missions. Now we know.


The leftists are so retrograde, old fashioned, 20th century in their thinking. Do 30 and 40 year olds really agree with their goals, even with years of brainwashing in the education system? Or are the scales falling off eyes at a rapid rate as the masks of the Left are being torn off?

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Glenn Beck does a great job of collecting data points and presenting them to people who are not going out and looking for them specifically. He reminds me of a lot of us at FR in the 90's discovering what "politics as usual" looks like, and being horrified. (My husband sees on his program references to the articles I read here, and my MIL hears about from Rush, while he is cruising with the remote while relaxing in front of the TV before dinner. It is effortless to get caught up on info that used to have to be sought out.)


Back's conclusions are emotion filled, but he is sending up the warning, and it's hard to do that in an emotionless way.


His Friday Founders shows are real eye openers. I think that is his real gift right now, opening eyes. In that, he is an effective member of a team of activists trying to restore the Constitution. Rush, Sarah, Huckabee, Sean, Drudge, etc. are all members of that team, filling various niches. We are creating a deep bench with lots of specialists.


I didn't mean that as a slam on Glenn, it's more Doom and Gloom are not my cup of tea, particularly the unrelenting doom and gloom I hear on some talk show programs....(See Jason Lewis)


Rush is hated by the left, but they've made him into a cardboard cutout. He still has more valuable insight to offer than any three other commentators, imo.


The thing is Rush mocks the left, ridicules them, generally with there own words. They're really good at dishing it out, not so good at taking it.


But the left's Alinskyhate is becoming rather shallow in effectiveness anymore, I think, as it is directed everywhere, at full tilt.


The thing is up until say 20 years ago they had the field pretty much to themselves. Sure there was NR, Commentary, Human Events...etc., but Joe and Jane sixpack never saw them, so thought they were alone, talk radio and the internet has changed all that. There's a much more level playing field today, and that explains a lot.


The leftists are so retrograde, old fashioned, 20th century in their thinking. Do 30 and 40 year olds really agree with their goals, even with years of brainwashing in the education system? Or are the scales falling off eyes at a rapid rate as the masks of the Left are being torn off?


I post a lot over at Common Ground Politics (formally Hillary Clinton Forum), and I'd say many on the left still buy into the old song and dance. For some if Mother Jones (for example) says it, it has come down from the moutain written on tables of stone.

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I thought Mother Jones was the forerunner of all modern thought? Hard to believe it is still spewing after 35 years.


On that forum you belong to, dissuading others of their value and belief systems is more than difficult, it is near impossible.

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Valin, you have a ton more patience than I do.


Instead of people whining about not having any power, why not just go out and do something.


Or do you spin them up for amusement? :D

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After checking out Common Ground Politics; I have to think shoutValin likes to dance on the head of a pin, when posting. I would have difficulty making it past their posting guidelines; having to put everything through these filtering prisms [as shoutPinz notes]:


Sexism...Given the historical & continued imbalance of power, where men as a class are privileged over women as a class, an important but often overlooked part of the term is that sexism is prejudice plus power. Thus we reject the notion that women can be sexist towards men because women lack the institutional power that men have.



Racism....Thus we reject the notion that minority races can be racist towards Whites because minority races lack the institutional power that Whites have.

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I always thought shoutValin was a cool and calming counselor and voice of reason.

You mean he's really a community spinnin' agitator?


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