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Ted Haggard, mega-church founder felled by sex scandal, returns to pulpit


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UK Guardian:

Ted Haggard is back and about to start preaching again. Haggard, once America's leading evangelical pastor, who was brought down and removed from his own mega-church after admitting to a gay sex scandal, has set up a new ministry and will hold the first service in his new church today.

His wife, Gayle, who has stood by him throughout his troubles, will be the church's co-pastor.

"We realised that I am a sinner and she is a saint, but that way we do have a very broad appeal," he joked in an interview from his home in Colorado Springs, a city that has been described as the Vatican of America's evangelical movement. "I feel we have moved past the scandal. We have forgiveness. It is a second chance," he said.

For Haggard, the formation of a new church – to be called St James – marks the beginning of a remarkable comeback and the latest stage of a rollercoaster ride through evangelical power.

Haggard first arrived in Colorado Springs in 1984, after he said he had received a vision from God that he had to form a church in the heartland of American evangelism.

That church, which began in the basement of his house with 22 people, eventually grew into New Life Church, one of the largest mega-churches in America. It had a congregation of more than 14,000 and Haggard became so prominent that he paid several visits to the White House of President George W Bush. He also became president of the National Association of Evangelicals.

But that all ended in 2006, when a gay prostitute said Haggard had paid him for sex. The revelations destroyed Haggard's career almost overnight. He lost his position at New Life and had to leave Colorado. He ended up in Arizona and started a new job selling insurance. He also received controversial religious counselling about his sexuality. Haggard now says he is heterosexual, but had gay urges because he was molested by a man when he was a child.

Now Haggard says he wants gays and bisexuals to come to his new church, whose first few meetings will be held in the garden of his suburban home. "St James church is for anyone, and I do mean anyone... If you are straight, gay or bisexual, I want to walk through the scriptures with you," Haggard told a press conference last week to announce his church.

Haggard's view of homosexuality – and his own actions – appear bound to annoy almost everybody. Many gay rights activists are offended by his view that his actions were caused by child abuse and that it is possible to receive counselling for having same-sex sexual feelings. On the other hand, many evangelicals are still outraged at his past conduct, and will be equally furious at his openly reaching out to gays, whom they believe are sinning with their sexuality.

Haggard seems to be trying to span the two poles of opinion. When asked what he would tell a gay person who came to St James, he said: "I would tell them to study the scriptures. I would tell them to explore that with God. It is an individual walk for them."

But he denied that he thought homosexuality was forbidden in the Bible, a common belief among many conservative Christians. "I would not say that. I would say that all of us need God's grace," he said.

Haggard talked openly about what he calls "my scandal", but also clearly felt that it left him an undeserving sinner. "I feel that I need forgiveness. But I do not feel that I deserve forgiveness," he said.

If he really has changed, then I wish him well. Unfortunately, not all of his fellow hypocrites have learned their lesson.
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There is only one of the celebrity pastors that came back in a way that impressed me and that, interestingly enough, was Jim Bakker.


Rather than returning to mega-church celebritydom focused on "fundraising" he has used his seeming authentic jailhouse conversion to actually fly under the radar a bit and focus on God.

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I wish he would go away, too, AnneV. But this is where his big house is, and I'm sure he doesn't have the money to buy a house somewhere else right now.

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Guest AnneV

I wish he would go away, too, AnneV. But this is where his big house is, and I'm sure he doesn't have the money to buy a house somewhere else right now.


His "big house"? Is that the mega yurt, on Highway 83 you're talking about?!?!? I can see that thing from the New Santa Fe trail, as far back as Palmer Lake :blink:

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His "big house"? Is that the mega yurt, on Highway 83 you're talking about?!?!? I can see that thing from the New Santa Fe trail, as far back as Palmer Lake :blink:



A couple of years ago, I had business near the New Life "campus" & spent several days, just a few blocks from there. You truly have to drive a-r-o-u-n-d that place. Then it was a mainly "mega yurt" and now it's "mega yurt + titanic tent."


Regarding the born again, again, Mr. Ted Haggard:


Selling insurance in Arizona, will never be as lucrative as selling guilt & God in Colorado.


Being in the Springs near New Life, will be awkward for New Life, but brings name recognition to Ted & Gayle; where a pre-built base & familiar surroundings will make it easier to grow.....and he may be able to poach a few high paying donors. It's unlikely he signed a no compete for souls clause.


My Question: Why not make Gayle, the pastor, and take the co-pastor job, as the "outreach" coordinator for gays, lesbians, transgender, bisexuals and eunuchs? You know......go with what you know.


He could legitimately say: I'm here to get drugs off the streets.[as a former meth-head]


WWJD? I suspect He'd at least giggle a little.

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shoutAnneV -- I don't know if you're pulling my leg or not, but I wasn't talking about the mega New Life Church, I was talking about the house in a gated community the church provided for the Haggarad family and let them keep after he had to leave.
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Merle Haggard -- Are The Good Times Really Over.


Yes, Merle, they are for the time being. And if Barack gets his way, they'll be over for good.



We have to keep the last lines in mind:


Stop rolling downhill like a snowball headed for hell

Stop for the flag and let's all ring the Liberty Bell

Let's make a Ford and a Chevy that'll still last ten years like they should

Cause the best of the free life is still yet to come

And the good times ain't over for good.

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And Merle is better than Rider as well. But Rider was back in my time - 1885.


Thanks Pepper! You really get "it".

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Maybe he and Jimmy "I have SINNED!!!" Swaggart could join forces.


As an aside (to quote the bounty hunter from Clint Eastwood's picture 'The Outlaw Josey Wales' - "Man's gotta make a living." Integrity be damned.

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