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Al and Tipper Gore Announce Separation After 40 Years of Marriage


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Fox News:

Former Vice President Al Gore and his wife, Tipper, are separating after 40 years of marriage.

According to an e-mail circulated among the couple's friends and obtained by The Associated Press on Tuesday, the Gores said it was "a mutual and mutually supportive decision that we have made together following a process of long and careful consideration."

Gore spokeswoman Kalee Kreider confirmed the statement came from the Gores, but declined to comment further.

Al Gore lost the 2000 presidential election to Republican George W. Bush. He has since campaigned worldwide to draw attention to climate change, which in 2007 led to a Nobel Peace Prize and an Oscar for the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth."

The Gores crafted an image as a happily married couple during his eight-year stint as vice president in the 1990s and a presidential candidate in 2000. The couple famously exchanged a long kiss during the 2000 Democratic presidential convention.

The image of their warm relationship stood in sharp contrast to the Clinton marriage rocked by Bill Clinton's affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, a scandal that hung over Gore's own presidential campaign.
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So who's better off??


The crafted image of happily married couple in a warm relationship of 40 years now divorced or the no holds barred open relationship of BJ Clinton and Hillary, hating each other and hanging tough for mutual benefits?


IMO, the devil you know is better than the one you don't know.


The public Clinton and the private Clinton are probably quite similar. Cut throat.


The public Gore and the private Gore are probably quite different. When you lose the election. And now the Global Warming now being increasingly seen as scam even by the Drive By media. It's not cut throat, it's cut your own throat.


I would not be surprised if Al Gore doesn't check into a clinic soon.

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The Gore's did not "exchange" a long kiss during the 2000 Democratic presidential convention. Tipper was visibly surprised and momentarily taken aback when he grabbed her and fake-passionately kissed her in front of the world.


And so now we understand the need for TWO mansions.


Pepper! I wouldn't trade places or circumstances with either couple.

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The Gore's did not "exchange" a long kiss during the 2000 Democratic presidential convention. Tipper was visibly surprised and momentarily taken aback when he grabbed her and fake-passionately kissed her in front of the world.


And so now we understand the need for TWO mansions.


Pepper! I wouldn't trade places or circumstances with either couple.



I agree with you nickydog. Since I am in polite company, I won't tell you what I thought of that kiss moment...but I can tell you that in my opinion it was all about Al and his puffery, and not about Tipper. She just happened to be the one standing there. :lol:

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The Gore's did not "exchange" a long kiss during the 2000 Democratic presidential convention. Tipper was visibly surprised and momentarily taken aback when he grabbed her and fake-passionately kissed her in front of the world.


And so now we understand the need for TWO mansions.


Pepper! I wouldn't trade places or circumstances with either couple.


They actually own four homes, if you include the $4 million condo they recently bought in San Francisco, and the ski lodge in Colorado. When you take into account that both the San Francisco condo and the Montecito mansion are both right on the ocean, it kind of takes away any credibility the man may have in his predictions about AGW and rising ocean levels.


If Algore is acting as irrational at home as he has been during his public appearances of late, I'm sure Tipper has real cause for getting away from him.

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If Algore is acting as irrational at home as he has been during his public appearances of late, I'm sure Tipper has real cause for getting away from him.



Al Gore is a space alien, sent to subject the earth to his will using climate change & politics. The man originally occupying Al Gore's skin, was eaten by this alien many years ago.


Tipper noticed an improvement in her treatment by Al, shortly after this happened, and decided to ride this one out; however, the alien "molts" every couple of years & "Al" [short for alien] gets all puffy & bloated, begins drinking, and barking at her, so she's tired of putting up with it.


Plus, his plan for world domination is slowly unravelling, and her hope to be "Empress of the Rotating Green Planet" will not happen before she loses her "looks."

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Has anyone heard this guy sound 'real', ever? He seems to parse every word to make sure he sounds superior. He and Clinton made a great team, lie and liar. Poor ol' Tipper is going to lonely traipsing around in her McMansion with half of AlGore's 'warm' money.

I wish her well, she should have dumped him long ago. Ain't love strange?

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I just keep thinking---how do we do put these people in office??????? He could have been president. Can we keep doing this to ourselves and survive??????

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shoutSrWoodchuck, I think your version is probably closest to the truth.



Thank you. I'm no longer a lone conspiracy nut, since there's two of us now!


You wouldn't have the phone number to MIB, would you?

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If Algore is acting as irrational at home as he has been during his public appearances of late, I'm sure Tipper has real cause for getting away from him.



Al Gore is a space alien, sent to subject the earth to his will using climate change & politics.



As I suspected all along!

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Politics aside, Very sad. At some point (I assume) there was love there...and now it's gone. :(


I completely agree. As I have always said, every divorce makes us all a little weaker.

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If Algore is acting as irrational at home as he has been during his public appearances of late, I'm sure Tipper has real cause for getting away from him.



Al Gore is a space alien, sent to subject the earth to his will using climate change & politics.



As I suspected all along!



Let's get something straight here..........the Admiral's hat is for Islamic posts.......and after June 1st, my foil hat is a "skimmer".....plus, I do not have bags under my eyes........yet......




Sorry if I invoked someones call sign......I meant, "Men In Black"

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Tipper must have found the proper formula for her medication. She's always seemed like a real person. I don't agree with her, but she could make a nice friend, I would think.


Al Gore has to be on the verge of a split personality, his entire life seems filled with dissonance, personally, professionally and politically.


That "kiss" was almost criminal. There was no love or affection in that, just a crass attack for political gain. Poor Tipper.


I expect she'll create a happy successful life after a divorce. He'll be wandering the world like the undead.

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If Algore is acting as irrational at home as he has been during his public appearances of late, I'm sure Tipper has real cause for getting away from him.



Al Gore is a space alien, sent to subject the earth to his will using climate change & politics. The man originally occupying Al Gore's skin, was eaten by this alien many years ago.


Tipper noticed an improvement in her treatment by Al, shortly after this happened, and decided to ride this one out; however, the alien "molts" every couple of years & "Al" [short for alien] gets all puffy & bloated, begins drinking, and barking at her, so she's tired of putting up with it.


Plus, his plan for world domination is slowly unravelling, and her hope to be "Empress of the Rotating Green Planet" will not happen before she loses her "looks."

The SrWoodChuck! speaketh the truth. Sing it WoodChuck! :lmfao:

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The SrWoodChuck! speaketh the truth. Sing it WoodChuck! :lmfao:



Thank you NCTexan. In the same vein as, "If your wife doesn't find you handsome, at least she'll find you handy.."


I am known for my dogged pursuit of AL Gore/Space Alien. Some are known for their contributions to art, to science, to music.....some have rashes or plagues named after them......I'm sorta in the middle, with this.


Someone has to speak truth to alien power.........but.......singing....oh, hell no.....my wife can't stop giggling in church when I warble [we have to sit in the back, or in the squeaker section]....someone was kind enough to call it joyful noise. I sing like a canary....unfortunately it's a perro de presa canario!


Thanks for the thought, though......it's nice to know you've got my six.

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The SrWoodChuck! speaketh the truth. Sing it WoodChuck! :lmfao:



Thank you NCTexan. In the same vein as, "If your wife doesn't find you handsome, at least she'll find you handy.."


I am known for my dogged pursuit of AL Gore/Space Alien. Some are known for their contributions to art, to science, to music.....some have rashes or plagues named after them......I'm sorta in the middle, with this.


Someone has to speak truth to alien power.........but.......singing....oh, hell no.....my wife can't stop giggling in church when I warble [we have to sit in the back, or in the squeaker section]....someone was kind enough to call it joyful noise. I sing like a canary....unfortunately it's a perro de presa canario!


Thanks for the thought, though......it's nice to know you've got my six.



Does this mean that when the polling company calls, I can now say "yes, I have seen a space alien in real life. And his very nice ex-wife too!"

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Does this mean that when the polling company calls, I can now say "yes, I have seen a space alien in real life. And his very nice ex-wife too!"



Technically, you've seen Al Gore's outer visage, inhabited by a space alien bug. Tipper was just tryin' to make a silk purse out of a sows ear [pretty good analogy of the whole Al/alien thingy]....she shouldn't be blamed. She may even have beach side community property in another universe, too!

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Does this mean that when the polling company calls, I can now say "yes, I have seen a space alien in real life. And his very nice ex-wife too!"



Technically, you've seen Al Gore's outer visage, inhabited by a space alien bug. Tipper was just tryin' to make a silk purse out of a sows ear [pretty good analogy of the whole Al/alien thingy]....she shouldn't be blamed. She may even have beach side community property in another universe, too!


:lol: Gotcha. I'll clear that up really quick—I hate to sound technically illiterate!

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