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Seoul ready to take self-defense measures


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Yonhap News Agency:

By Lee Chi-dong
SEOUL, May 24 (Yonhap) -- President Lee Myung-bak said Monday South Korea will immediately use the right of self-defense in case of any additional North Korean provocation, adding Seoul will ditch all inter-Korean exchanges except for the joint industrial park in Kaesong as the first punitive step for the North's March attack on one of the South's warships.

In a public address broadcast live, Lee defined the sinking as "North Korea's military attack" on South Korea and said Seoul will request the U.N. Security Council to take up the case.

"If our territorial waters, airspace or territory are violated, we will immediately exercise our right of self-defense," he said.

Lee also announced his government will suspend all exchange programs with the North except for the Kaesong project and will maintain minimum levels of humanitarian aid for infants and children living in the impoverished communist country.

"Under these circumstances, any inter-Korean trade or other cooperative activity is meaningless," the president said, adding North Korean ships will no longer be allowed to use South Korean waterways that have served as short-cuts.

"I solemnly urge the North Korean authorities to do the following. Apologize immediately to the Republic of Korea and the international community. Immediately punish those who are responsible for and those who are involved in the incident," he added, using South Korea's official name.

The president's speech came after a team of multinational investigators last week concluded that a North Korean submarine torpedoed the 1,200-ton warship, the Cheonan, on March 26 in waters just below the Koreas' western sea border, killing 46 South Korean sailors.

Kaesŏng Industrial Park is being developed in the region, as a collaborative economic development with South Korea. It is located ten kilometres (six miles) north of the Korean Demilitarized Zone with direct road and rail access to South Korea and an hour's drive from Seoul. Construction started in June 2003, and in August 2003 North and South Korea ratified four tax and accountancy agreements to support investment. Pilot phase construction was completed in June 2004, and the industrial park opened in December 2004 ((From Wiki))

I have a feeling this is going to grow into a full scale dilemma for all.
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Time for lead umbrellas & jockey-straps?


They wouldn't attack us directly.....they couldn't possibly have enough weapons to seriously hurt us, it would only serve to bring about their destruction.


They would more likely strike Japan, traditional enemies for 2 millenium, as well as our ally and chief trading partner. They might strike S. Korea. Seoul and P'yongyang are both pretty close to the common border for that.

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This is part of what NK released in a statement Friday. Looks as though SK beat them to the punch on eliminating trade, etc.


".....North Korea warned that if the South Korean government retaliates against the North in relation to the Cheonan sinking, adding, "we will consider terminating inter-Korean relations, breaking the non-aggression pact with South Korea, and scrapping all existing North-South economic cooperation."


Lil Kimmy is super crazy, I just hope China can control or kill him. He has to be driving them nuts too.


Just an aside, who haven't we heard from about this? He is in the WH. He won't answer any questions, so I wonder what his thinking is on the matter. Hillary just said they have to get along. Great leadership going on here.

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Time for lead umbrellas & jockey-straps?


They wouldn't attack us directly.....they couldn't possibly have enough weapons to seriously hurt us, it would only serve to bring about their destruction.


They would more likely strike Japan, traditional enemies for 2 millenium, as well as our ally and chief trading partner. They might strike S. Korea. Seoul and P'yongyang are both pretty close to the common border for that.



I meant, more for any fallout here in the USA.


Shouldn't we at least be conducting joint "naval exercises" with Japan & our fastest missile cruisers, with their Patriot anti-missile technology? Maybe a few ballistic missile subs hanging around, too?


....or just send Hillary?


We only have around 28,000 to 30,000 American troops on the "trip-wire" there, only a few with families, mostly "party hearty" single troops.

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