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Pink Hitler posters provoke fury


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UK Telegraph:

Giant posters of Hitler dressed in bright pink, with a love heart in place of a swastika, have provoked a furious debate in Italy.

The 18ft high posters of the Nazi leader advertise a line of clothing for young people and adorn street corners and bus stops in Palermo, Sicily's biggest city.

The ads show the Fuhrer in a lurid pink uniform, with his swastika armband replaced with one bearing a bright red heart, above the slogan "Change Style – Don't Follow Your Leader".

Many local people say the advertising campaign is offensive and have called for the posters to be taken down.

A city councillor with the centre-Left Democratic Party, Rosario Filoramo, has protested to the mayor of Palermo.

"The use of an image of a person responsible for the worst chapters of the last century is offensive to our country's constitutional principles and to the sensitivities of citizens," he said.

A council official, Fabrizio Ferrandelli, said: "Having Hitler's face on a poster... cannot be passed off as an innocent advertising message. Seeing these posters in front of schools is an embarrassment." But the advertising agency which came up with the idea said critics of the campaign were over-reacting.

The Hitler poster was a tongue-in-cheek way of encouraging young people not to follow the crowd in their fashion choices.

"We have ridiculed Hitler in a way that invites young people to create their own style and not to be influenced by their peers," said the agency's Daniele Manno.

Impressionable locals will now have to brace themselves for a fresh affront – the company plans to bring out a new poster campaign in the next few weeks featuring Mao Tse Tung.

To be fair, wasn't the Fuher always kind of fruity? :rolleyes:
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I guess if it's OK to wear Che and Mao T-shirts, why not Hitler?


It's a weird, weird world, after all.

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I guess if it's OK to wear Che and Mao T-shirts, why not Hitler?


It's a weird, weird world, after all.


Its all in whose ox is being gored. Most Americans never had either one of those two bloodthirsty maniacs kill a member of their own family, so they just look at it in ignorance or detached amusement (oh what will those kooky kids think of next?)


Hitler OTOH, has a much more personal connection to American - particularly Jewish families - with whom I share the history of having my relatives killed by him.


So - No Hitler, no Mao, no Che. Last Summer I was in the old country (very conservative but tourist friendly), and some long-haired hippie freak from somewhere in Western Europe rode by on his bicycle wearing a Che shirt. I wanted to grab him by the shirt and start haranguing him in several languages - and if he was German, then I would have worked myself into a fine lather - 'since you like wearing shirts with mass-murderers on them, why not stick closer to home and wear one of Hitler instead???'


And I would have done it too - except that he just whizzed by on his bike. The locals of course tolerate this tourist crap despite being fiercely anti-communist. Its their livelihood.

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The advertisement in question:




Somehow I do not fancy that der Fuhrer, (who raved about Rohm and his SA following the "Night of the Long Knives" thusly: "For their perversions alone they deserved to be SHOT!") would have been amused.


The ad is idiotic. In order for it to work, Hitler should be pictured with a swastika, and then the message might make some sense. This is offensive AND makes no sense at all. I mean, isn't everyone in decadent Europe yearning to become that uber-Metrosexual that Hitler is portrayed as being?


Maybe Syphillis has rotted their brains.

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Wait for it....


It surely wont be long before this Hitler ad is photoshopped to be Obama in the pink outfit and the arm band to be the Obama logo.


The message "Don't follow your leader" would be most appropriate!

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I find the Hitler ad gross and really sad.


Maybe it is a generational thing but I find the ad more an indictment of how shallow, jaded and insensitive Western culture is becoming. Perhaps to our demise we have become a culture of pleasure and materialism and instant gratification. We, especially the young, are more and more becoming a society ruled by the wisdom of "the intellectual elite humanism", situational ethics and values all held captive by political correctness with no understanding nor appreciation for past history and its peoples-- and human nature.


There is a verse in the Bible where Paul says:

"But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. 2 For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, 4 treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power..."


Not trying to overstate or be preachy or dramatic but..

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